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"But dese yere gemmen say dey goin' fishin' an' git me ter lend 'em passage!" cried the darky, in despair. "And so we are going fishing," cried Ethan Allen. "And you shall go, too, my black friend. But it will be different fishing from any that you've experienced before. Out with you, now!" he added, as the bateau grounded on the shore. "Get that freight off, men.

When Fitton showed dese hyar papers in court, de experts what were called in on de case said dat dere was grease on 'em what wouldn't come from no shark's stomach. No, Sah. "Dey figured, right den an' dar, dat de grease must ha' been on de papers, fust.

He had jocularly offered to come and whip the children for her, and had found it convenient to drop in occasionally, ostensibly to see what progress the work was making. "Dese child'en," he would observe sonorously, in the presence of the school, "oughter be monst'ous glad ter have de chance er settin' under yo' instruction, Miss Rena.

The Sea-flower pressed his bony, black hand to her lips. "Ah! I know dat you neber change, missy; I know you always be de same! I tells mysef dat, dese long years past, and bress de Lord, poor old Bingo hab one friend as long as he hab a hope ob libin'!"

After awhile, when we had had a full hour of real fun, quizzing the old folks, telling stories, eating chestnuts and potatoes, drinking cider, and listening to stories of the West Indies, Walter and Harry got up to clean their guns. "Wen you'se cum 'ere nudder time, 'spect dese ole black folks be gwine 'way be gwine 'crost de ribber Jordan?" exclaimed Juno, with a long sigh.

"When po' nigger han bin tie, an' yunna bocra got eberyt'ing gun, cannon an' all de am-nition, an' beside dat, de town full wid strange trash frum all ober de country to crush dem? Some er dese men I sees shootin' an' killin', dars men an' umen livin' er my race dat nussed an' tuk keer er dem w'en dey bin little.

Gallopin' t'rough dese bushes and briers, and gettin' a t'irst dat a brewery couldn't put out, and missin' meals! Say! You know what I'd do if I was main finger of dis bunch? I'd stick up a train. I'd blow de express car and make hard dollars where you guys get wind. Youse makes me tired. Dis sook-cow kind of cheap sport gives me a pain." Later on, a deputation waited on Bud.

"'Pears, Miss Ruth, like she's been loaded all dese years," said Pompey, his eyeballs rolling in astonishment. "It appears I have found out how to fire," said Ruth, laughing. "But how do you load it?" she asked. Pompey poured a charge of powder into his hand, emptied it into the barrel, and rammed it down with a wad of paper.

"Look oud for dese har biscuits!" exclaimed his partner, anxiously. "Oh, hang the biscuits!" was Charlie's hasty answer. "I'll watch 'em. Why didn't you?" "Ay tank Ay fergit hem." "Well, you don't want to forget. A feller forgot his clothes once, an' he got froze." "Ay gass dose faller vas ketch in a sbring snowstorm. Vas dose biscuits done, Sharlie?"

He could see their black triangular fins, and note the lurid gleaming of their eyeballs, as they rolled in their sunken sockets. It was a sight to terrify the stoutest heart; and that of Snowball did not escape being terrified. "Hole on, Massa Brace!" he instinctively shouted. "Hole on, for de lub o' God! Doan't leab me slip an inch, or dese dam brute sure cotch hold ob me!