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Another friend, Mons. de P, offered his country house, but, for the same reason, this offer was declined. We arrived at Passy about ten o'clock at night, and though a deporte, I slept tolerably well. Before I was up, my friend Mons. de P. was with me breakfasted with us in our little oven of a parlour conversed two hours most agreeably.

Not sooner go I from France, dan she ees marie to un grand, gros, fat epicier of La Villette Marie dat was fiancee au moi, gentilhomme! Mais, mon Dieu; when I was heard ze news, I was enrage I goes back to Paris. I fears notings no mouchard no gend'armerie no notings although, I was suspect and deporte de France!

These were in the earlier days when professional men were scarcer. Father Almeida, of Santa Cruz Church, Manila, and Father Agustin Mendoz, his predecessor in the same church, and one of the sufferers in the Cavite trouble of '72 a deporté were most distantly connected with the Rizal family.

"Come, come, mon brave," he continued, seeing that my dejection was beyond the point where it could be laughed away; and accommodating himself to my humour, with the native delicacy of his race "I have myself, suffered: ainsi, I can condoles! You know, my dear, youngish friends, when I was deporte de mon pays, he?"