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There was no doubt expressed on the mother's face; no fear lest her son might not be able to please. "At eight," responded Mrs. Brady. "I cannot be ready for him sooner." "Then together we'll be there, you may depind." And Mrs. Brady, on the whole dissatisfied, went on her way.

Troth I missed your dirty tongue, bad as it is divil a thing but rank pace and quietness I was ever in since I seen you last." "And devil a scoundrel has had the honesty to give me a single word of abuse to my face since you left me." "And how often did I tell you that you couldn't depind upon the crew that's around you the truth's not in them an' that you ought to know.

"Why even if he was at a loss about Sam, depind upon it, he'd get a hint from his betthers above, that 'ud be sarviceable." "They say he visits him as it is, an' that Sam can't sleep widout some one in the room wid him. Dan Philips says the priest was there, an' had a Mass in every room in the house; but Charley Mack tells me there's no! thruth in it.

He was banded and strapped all over, like a mummy, and he lay gnashing his teeth and foaming with fury. Raoul and the Irishman appeared to take things more easily, or rather more recklessly. "I wonder if they are going to hang us to-night, or keep us till morning? What do you think, Chane?" asked the Frenchman, laughing as he spoke. "Be the crass! they'll lose no time ye may depind on that same.

Why, himself stalks into the place talked the squire over, to be sure and without so much as "by your lave," sates himself and his new wife on the lase in the house; and I may go whistle. 'It was a great pity, Shane, that you did not go yourself to Mr. Churn. 'That's a true word for you, ma'am dear; but it's hard if a poor man can't have a frind to depind on."

"Ough, don't say that, bless yer handsome face and yer kind heart. What could I do, sure, widout me Mike? Lave him here wid me, and if the blackguard has been insulting ye I'll punish him, depind upon it." "It's not of your husband that we complain," the inspector said; "he would act decently, and pay his tax, if you would let him."

"I'll do the same on that ye may depind." The massive figure swung off in the gloom. He gave no intimation of whither he was going, and no one could guess, except that he promised shortly to return.

"'Pris'ner, said th' prisident iv th' coort, 'th' eyes iv Fr-rance is upon us, th' honor iv th' nation is at stake. Th' naytional definces, th' integrity iv that ar-rmy upon which Fr-rance must depind in time iv peace, th' virtue iv public life, an' th' receipts iv th' exposition is involved. Incidentally, ye ar-re bein' thried. But why dhrag in matthers iv no importance?

It may be we'll be hungry yis, an' cold, too wanst in a while. But it won't be for long." "But town is a bad place for boys, I'm told," urged the neighbor. "Not for mine," answered the widow quietly. "They're their father's b'ys, an' I can depind on 'em. They moind me loightest word. Come here, Pat, an' Moike, an' Andy, an' Jim, an' Barney, an' Tommie!" Obediently the six drew near.

To guard against losing any of their supplies, Tim McCabe told his friends that it would be necessary to unload them themselves. "From this p'int," said he, "we must hoe our own row; under hiven we must depind on oursilves. Hardman, lind a hand there, and step lively." To the astonishment of the youths, the man took hold and wrought with right good will.