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There would have been no war now; and the strong European Powers might have made then the same sort of protective peace-insurance combine that they will try to make after this war is ended. Query: A democracy's inability to act how much is this apparently inherent quality of a democracy to blame for this war and for other things?

But, unless our Southern brethren, in obedience to some great law of trade or morals, return from their divergence, if, still being a republic in form, the South close her ears to the great truth, that education is democracy's first law of self-preservation, if the dynasty of King Cotton, unshaken by present indications, should continue indefinitely, and still the South should bow itself down as now before its throne, it requires no gift of prophecy to read her future.

Here and there, under the favorable conditions of an intelligent citizenry willing to follow expert leadership even to the extent of providing adequate funds, are schools and departments of schools of approximately 100 per cent efficiency. And these, as Democracy's experiments, assure us of other advance steps. They are object lessons. Thus Democracy always advances. Finally, what shall we say?

It has been unfortunately necessary or perhaps fortunately necessary for the great democracies to turn their energies and resources and the inventive ingenuity of their citizens to the organization of armies and indeed of entire populations to the purpose of killing enough Germans to remove democracy's exterior menace. The price we pay in human life is appallingly unfortunate.

And today, with Communism crumbling, our aim must be to insure democracy's advance, to take the lead in forging peace and freedom's best hope, a great and growing commonwealth of free nations. And to the Congress and to all Americans, I say it is time to acclaim a new consensus at home and abroad, a common vision of the peaceful world we want to see.

Probably, Ninian thought to himself, that woman Jayne is mixed up in it.... "You get the tickets, Ninian," Gilbert said when they reached Euston. "Firsts. Democracy's all right in theory, but I don't like it in a railway carriage!" "Where's the money?" said Ninian. "Money! What do you want money for? All right! Here you are! You can pay me afterwards, Quinny!"