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We shall miss her very much; but it is a good cause, and she shall go, and I shall trust that Providence will enable us to spare her without permanent demage to the interests of the Institootion."

We shall miss her very much; but it is a good cause, and she shall go, and I shall trust that Providence will enable us to spare her without permanent demage to the interests of the Institootion."

He was engaged in a mental calculation as to the amount of the deduction he should make under the head of "demage to the institootion," this depending somewhat on that of the "pecooniary compensation" she might have received for her services as the friend of Elsie Venner. So Helen slid back at once into her routine, the same faithful, patient creature she had always been.

The victuals are of no use after they're cooked but to be eat, and your bein' away is no savin' to our folks. I shall charge you a reasonable compensation for the demage to the school by the absence of a teacher. If Miss Crabs undertakes any dooties belongin' to your department of instruction, she will look to you for sech pecooniary considerations as you may agree upon between you.

The victuals are of no use after they're cooked but to be eat, and your bein' away is no savin' to our folks. I shall charge you a reasonable compensation for the demage to the school by the absence of a teacher. If Miss Crabs undertakes any dooties belongin' to your department of instruction, she will look to you for sech pecooniary considerations as you may agree upon between you.

We shall miss her very much; but it is a good cause, and she shall go, and I shall trust that Providence will enable us to spare her without permanent demage to the interests of the Institootion."

He was engaged in a mental calculation as to the amount of the deduction he should make under the head of "demage to the institootion," this depending somewhat on that of the "pecooniary compensation" she might have received for her services as the friend of Elsie Venner. So Helen slid back at once into her routine, the same faithful, patient creature she had always been.

The victuals are of no use after they're cooked but to be eat, and your bein' away is no savin' to our folks. I shall charge you a reasonable compensation for the demage to the school by the absence of a teacher. If Miss Crabs undertakes any dooties belongin' to your department of instruction, she will look to you for sech pecooniary considerations as you may agree upon between you.