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Pierre hopped in just now, jolly old chap! and in his excitement embraced me on both cheeks! Antoine could not contain himself, and heaven knows what the underservants did! I told them all to run out and see what was happening, but Pierre said no, the déjeuner of Monsieur must not be neglected. Time enough in the afternoon!

Captain Harry, after protesting against so ungodly a practice, admitted that his ride had hungered him, and at dejeuner proved it not only upon the courses but upon the cold meats on the side-table. "You must have a jewel of a housekeeper, my dear!" Mrs. Harry had been taking in every detail of the ordered service. "'Housekeeper, do I say? 'Major-domo' you'll forgive me " Ruth swept her a bow.

The Baron spoke like a general who each year gains a great victory over the spirit of the age; and, sending Berthaud back to finish his /dejeuner/, he insisted on escorting the ladies into the little sanded courtyard, which was shaded by some fine trees. "It is very interesting, very interesting," repeated Madame Desagneaux. "We are greatly obliged to you for your kindness, monsieur."

FIFTEEN months later, one fine golden day in September, Bache and Theophile Morin were taking dejeuner at Guillaume's, in the big workroom overlooking the immensity of Paris. Near the table was a cradle with its little curtains drawn. Behind them slept Jean, a fine boy four months old, the son of Pierre and Marie.

THAT same morning, as was the case nearly every day, some intimates were expected to /dejeuner/ at the Duvillards', a few friends who more or less invited themselves.

Bragdon was a promising chap, the great painter pronounced at déjeuner, willing to work, intelligent, with his own ideas. Had any one seen Madame Saratoff's portrait? He had kept very quiet about that perhaps it had not come off. Well, he needed years of hard work, which he wouldn't get in America, worse luck.

Next morning when I got down we had arranged to have our premier déjeûner all together, not in our rooms, as we were to make such an early start "Antoine" and Héloise were already there. The Vicomte and the Baronne came in soon after; he at once began: "Comme Mlle. est ravissante le soir! un petit ange

However, as Pierre was not yet a very expert rider, they decided that they would take the train as far as Maisons-Laffitte, whence they would proceed on their bicycles to the forest, cross it in the direction of Saint-Germain, and afterwards return to Paris by train. "You will be here for dejeuner, won't you?" asked Guillaume, whom this freak amused, and who looked with a smile at his brother.

"Steady on, mother," said Vivie, propping her up, and feeling oh! so clean and pure and fresh and wholesome by contrast with this worn-out woman of pleasure. "Lie down again on your sofa, go on with your petit déjeuner which is surely rather late? There were signs and appetizing smells of the larger meal being imminent as I passed through the hotel. "I'm not in any hurry.

General de Bozonnet, whom Gerard was to have brought with him, came in alone, explaining that Madame de Quinsac had felt rather poorly that morning, and that Gerard, like a good and dutiful son, had wished to remain with her. Still he would come to the bazaar directly after dejeuner.