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"Assuredly, my poor boy," returned the notary. "All but felons have their legal rights." "And who calls me felon?" said Obenreizer, fiercely. "No one. Be calm under your wrongs. If the House of Defresnier would call you felon, indeed, we should know how to deal with them." While saying these words, he had handed Bintrey's very short letter to Obenreizer, who now read it and gave it back.

"Excuse me for one moment," said Vendale; "I will speak to you directly." He turned round again, and continued his search among the papers. "You come at a time when friendly offers are more than usually precious to me," he resumed. "I have had very bad news this morning from Neuchatel." "Bad news," exclaimed Obenreizer. "From Defresnier and Company?" "Yes.

Obenreizer's Niece," said Vendale, in a somewhat superfluously lucid manner. "Niece of Obenreizer. Niece of Obenreizer. To be sure! Possible sort of name, after all! 'M. Obenreizer is in possession of our absolute confidence, and we do not doubt you will esteem his merits. Duly signed by the House, 'Defresnier et Cie. Very well.

That is all," asserted the notary, taking a large pinch of snuff. "But is that enough, sir?" "That is not enough," said Maitre Voigt. "The House of Defresnier are my fellow townsmen much respected, much esteemed but the House of Defresnier must not silently destroy a man's character. You can rebut assertion. But how can you rebut silence?"

An irregularity has been discovered in the last consignment received from the firm of Defresnier and Co." Vendale stopped, and referred to a memorandum-book by his side. "That was in Mr. Wilding's time," he said. "The vintage was a particularly good one, and he took the whole of it. The Swiss champagne has done very well, hasn't it?" "I don't say it's done badly," answered the Cellarman.

"The House is at Milan. You know, we are a Wine House at Neuchatel, and a Silk House at Milan? Well, Silk happening to press of a sudden, more than Wine, Defresnier was summoned to Milan. Rolland, the other partner, has been taken ill since his departure, and the doctors will allow him to see no one. A letter awaits you at Neuchatel to tell you so.

"I came this morning not only to hear the news, but to offer myself as messenger, negotiator what you will. Would you believe it? I have letters which oblige me to go to Switzerland immediately. Messages, documents, anything I could have taken them all to Defresnier and Rolland for you." "You are the very man I wanted," returned Vendale.

It was again the tenth morning since Vendale had written to the Swiss firm; and again the answer appeared on his desk with the other letters of the day: "Dear Sir. My senior partner, M. Defresnier, has been called away, by urgent business, to Milan.

After an hour's broad daylight, they drew rein at the inn-door at Neuchatel, having been some eight-and-twenty hours in conquering some eighty English miles. When they had hurriedly refreshed and changed, they went together to the house of business of Defresnier and Company.

Nevertheless he made a mental note that the notary had once had a client of that name. "As I was saying, sir, the death of that dear travelling comrade begins my troubles. What follows? I save myself. I go down to Milan. I am received with coldness by Defresnier and Company. Shortly afterwards, I am discharged by Defresnier and Company. Why? They give no reason why.