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He made his manly but deferential salutation to the august council as he approached; and, pausing midway between the throne and door, he fell on his knees without thought of shame, for the King to whom he knelt was the descendant of Woden, and the heir of Hengist. At a sign and a brief word from the King, still on his knees, Vebba, the Kentman, spoke.

Her fixed decree was announced to Colonel Menard. He asked for the women and children of the family in haste. He and his man were wasting time and strength holding the boat against the waves. It was in danger of being swamped. Angélique stood deferentially before her father and asked his permission to stay with his grand-aunt. In the same deferential manner she asked permission of her mother.

Wilford's compliment had failed, and more annoyed than before, he asked, not what Helen thought of the arrangement, but if she would influence Katy to act and think rationally upon it; "at least you will not make it worse," he said, and this time there was something quite deferential and pleading in his manner.

My eyes have given me notice that they have done work enough and I do not blame them for insisting upon rest. As to organs in general I have scarcely known that I had any. They have maintained such peace among themselves, and been so quiet and deferential as they have performed their functions that I have taken no note of them, having rarely experienced serious illness.

As her father and Chris rose, Mary rose with them; and the three remained in complete silence, watching the little scene in the court. Ralph made a sign; and the servant attached the bridle of the horse to a ring beside the stable-door, and went past his master into the guest-house with a deferential stoop of the shoulders. Ralph stood a moment longer, and then followed him in.

Morsfield purer blood than many of their highest titles is always polite, always deferential; he helps me to feel I am not quite out of my element in the sphere I prefer. We shall be travelling alone? 'Have you any fear? 'Not if nothing happens. Might we not ask that Mr. Weyburn? 'He has much work to do. He will not long be here. He is absent to-day. Mrs.

"I scarcely need to add, General," said the Secretary, "that the confidence of the Government in you is still unlimited." Then making deferential excuses, Mr. Sefton left the tent and Lee followed his retreating figure with a look of antipathy. The Secretary wandered through the camp, watching everything.

Aunt Selina was for going out at once and "fixing him up," as she put it, but Dallas gently interfered. "I wouldn't, Miss Caruthers," he said, in the deferential manner he had adopted toward her. "You don't know what it may be. He's been looking spotty all evening." "It might be scarlet fever," Max broke in cheerfully. "I say, scarlet fever on a Mongolian what color would he be, Jimmy?

The incredulity of the listeners was, I could perceive, considerably lessened by observing the deferential attention with which Duchesne listened, only interrupting the speaker by an occasional assent, or a passing question as to the political relations of some of the great Powers. "As to Prussia," said Bubbleton, pompously "as to Prussia " "Well, what of Prussia, General?"

"Certainly, your honor," said the man, becoming deferential at once. One of the bystanders, seeing the chance of earning a few pice, volunteered to drive. "Jenkinson sahib? all right, sahib; down by Custom House. You bet!" The carriage rolled off, followed by a crowd of runners, eager out of pure inquisitiveness to see the matter through.