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Among them are several ranks and degrees, as the Peris, or fairies, beautiful female spirits, who seek to do good upon the earth, and the Deev, or giants, who frequently make war upon the Peris, take them captive, and shut them up in cages. The genii, both good and bad, have the power of making themselves invisible at pleasure.

Deprived of its wing, that could not have gone on alone, without some hand carrying it. So the weary and despondent searchers were forced to accept Andrew's assertion that "mon or deil" had robbed them; and it was plain from the solemn shake of the "true-penny's" gray head in its up-to-date chauffeur's cap that he, himself, was disposed to lay the blame on a "deev."

And they contended until their throats were parched and their bodies weary, and to neither was given the victory. They stayed them a while to rest, and Rustem thought within his mind how all his days he had not coped with such a hero. And it seemed to him that his contest with the White Deev had been as nought to this.

But my heart is torn with anguish, and my spirit is tossed with desire, for I have heard of thy deeds of prowess, and how thou fearest neither Deev nor lion, neither leopard nor crocodile, and how thy hand is swift to strike, and how thou didst venture alone into Mazinderan, and how wild asses are devoured of thee, and how the earth groaneth under the tread of thy feet, and how men perish at thy blows, and how even the eagle dareth not swoop down upon her prey when she beholdeth thy sword.

By and by, as from minute to minute the bridge continued this eccentric performance, even the children became aware that something was amiss. Abruptly the ringing ceased, ceased just as a tall man it was the Scotch engineer emerged from somewhere below and stood steadying himself by the rail of the ladder. "What the deevil?" he demanded angrily, staring aloft. "What the deev "

"Pshaw! I do believe you think that it was some bad fairy, Andrew, fairy or mountain 'deev', who stole the little record, and part of the parachute, too spirited them away," said Una, with fanciful relish, having not quite grown beyond the fairy-tale age, herself.