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Her husband was all kindness; and surely she could not be angry with him if he seemed to grow younger every day rejuvenated by regular habits and rustic life while in her wan face the lines of care daily deepened, until it would have needed art far beyond the power of any modern Medea to conceal Time's ravages.

In her chamber she swallowed the fatal dose of poison with which, against such a day, she had provided herself. As she lay in the throes of death it chanced that Henry Masterton arrived, having at length found his brother's place of residence. Henry at once did everything possible to save Lady Eleanor's life, but, seeing that the dark shadow deepened every moment, he hastened to fetch a priest.

At intervals, when the gloom deepened toward despair, Morris would produce the whisky-bottle, and at first John welcomed the diversion not for long. The approach of dusk, feebly combated with a single tallow candle, added a touch of tragedy; and John suddenly stopped whistling through his fingers an art to the practice of which he had been reduced and bitterly lamented his concessions.

You'll come and face it out before you go." The misery in Ashton's eyes deepened, and his lips tightened. "Very well. Since you put it that way, I shall do as you wish, sir." When he followed Knowles around to the door of the tent, Isobel, who was hastily braiding her loose hair, drew back into the far corner and averted her face from him.

She did not need to wear a hat on these evening swimming excursions; her long hair floated unbound after her on the waves. When the twilight shadows deepened, the swimmer would speed far ahead of the accompanying canoe. She had lost all fear of the water. The waves were her friends they knew each other well.

Learning wisdom from the blundering course of 1868 and the disastrous experiment of 1872, they were now to uplift the banner of pure Democracy under Democracy's most skillful leadership. Interest in the movement was deepened by the organized and irresistible force with which Mr. Samuel J. Tilden had assumed leadership and was advancing to the Presidential nomination. Mr.

A light began to break upon Muriel. "Was it something that happened on board ship?" she hazarded. He gave her a sharp look. "Who told you that?" She flushed a little. "Bobby Fraser. He didn't mention her name, of course. We we were talking about you once." Nick laughed aloud. "Only once?" Her colour deepened. "You are positively ridiculous. Still, I wish it hadn't been Lady Bassett, Nick.

The assemblage here had by this time much diminished; the shadows flung over the ground by the lofty colonnades had deepened and increased; and in many of the more remote recesses of the Place hardly a human being was to be observed.

Indeed the very restlessness of the time, the breaking up of the old orders, the failure of the old certainties, has, if anything, deepened the demand for religious reality and there has been in all directions a marked turning to whatever offered itself as a plausible substitute for the old, and above all a turning to those religions which in quite clearly defined ways promise to demonstrate the reality of religion through some sensible or tangible experience.

Gond, ten miles long from east to west and a couple of miles across, lie toward the eastern borders of the Plateau of Sézanne, and form the source of the Petit Morin, which has been deepened in the reclamation of the marsh country.