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"Yes, I've got a gun," I replied, "and I ought to have had it the other night." "How so?" inquired Dick, quickly. It did not take me long to relate the incident of the Mexican. Dick looked like a thunder-cloud, but Jim swayed and shook with laughter. "You knocked him off the roof? Wal, thet shore is dee-lightful. It shore is!"

"Oh, oh!" screamed Ann, "that's a skull and cross-bones. It's a pirate ship!" "Hurrah!" Rudolf shouted. "How awfully jolly! Just like a book." "Dee-lightful!" the False Hare exclaimed, shuddering all over to the tips of his whiskers. "If there's one thing I do dote on it is pirates dear old things!"

I never did really expect I'd get there," Nan sighed, as she clung to Aunt Kate's neck. "It almost makes me forget that Momsey and Papa Sherwood are not at home yet. "But, my dear!" she added, "if such a thing could be, you and Uncle Henry have taken the place of my own dear parents all these months I have been at Pine Camp. I've had a dee-lightful time. I'll never forget you all.

'Tennyrate, I lost my dinner, so this nice spread in this dee-lightful company is real pleasant. It's a great thing to have good neighbors." "Who lives in the house among the willows up the brook?" asked Anne. "Mrs. Dick Moore," said Captain Jim "and her husband," he added, as if by way of an afterthought. Anne smiled, and deduced a mental picture of Mrs.