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Only sophomores, and private secretaries who write speeches for able Congressmen, write Johnsonese. Quibblers possibly may arise and present Johnson's definition of network "anything reticulated or decussated at equal distances with interstices between the intersections" but with the quibbler we have no time to dally.

Here lay two great roads, not so much for travellers that were few, as for armies that were too many by half. These two roads, one of which was the great highroad between France and Germany, decussated at this very point; which is a learned way of saying that they formed a St.

You see they don't know what to make of it; and very likely their legs and wings get caught sometimes in the "decussated, reticulated interstices," as Dr. Johnson calls them. At any rate, from their noise, they evidently consider themselves as the most ill-treated and unfortunate outcasts upon earth. Paganini wrote the "Carnival of Venice."

Plato says that the "next power to the Supreme God was decussated, or figured in the shape of a cross, on the universe." Krishna is painted and sculptured on a cross. The Egyptians thus drew Osiris, and sometimes we find a circle drawn with the dividing lines, and in the midst is stretched the dead body of Osiris.

Domrémy stood upon the frontiers; and, like other frontiers, produced a mixed race representing the cis and the trans. Here lay two great roads, not so much for travellers, that were few, as for armies that were too many by half. These two roads, one of which was the great high road between France and Germany, decussated at this very point; which is a learned way of saying that they formed a St.

He liked to have his statements sound well. He once said in forcible Saxon: "The Rehearsal! has not wit enough to keep it sweet," but a moment later he translated this into: "It has not sufficient vitality to preserve it from putrefaction." In his Dictionary he defined "network" as "anything reticulated or decussated at equal distances with interstices between the intersections."

But to these frivolous censures no other answer is necessary than that with which we are furnished by his own Preface. * Any thing reticulated or decussated, at equal distances, with interstices between the intersections. ED.