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In a talk urging passage of the bill as amended, Senator Scott declared that at least 90 per cent, of the odium attached to Nevada because of its divorce law was due to the fact that a few unscrupulous persons and attorneys-by means of collusion-so arrange matters as to take advantage of the "Where the defendant may be found" clause.

This is declared in the charter of the State. Then the laws of Pennsylvania, the statutes against blasphemy, the violation of the Lord's day, and others to the same effect, proceed on this great, broad principle, that the preservation of Christianity is one of the main ends of government. This is the general public policy of Pennsylvania. On this head we have the case of Updegraph v.

Being pressed still further, she said, with a very serious air, "Because he is a Protestant!" When the marriage of Monsieur was declared, he said to Saint-Remi, "Did you know that I was married to the Princesse de Lorraine?" "No, Monsieur," replied the latter; "I knew very well that you lived with her, but I did not think you would have married her."

Pratt met me he said that war had been formally declared by the United States against Spain the day before, i.e., on the 21st April.

As he got nearer to the point which it had been intended that he should reach, the more he hated Andy Gowran, and the more he hated himself for having submitted to such contact. He paused a moment, and then he declared that the conversation was at an end. "I think that will do, Mr. Gowran," he said. "I don't know that you can tell me anything I want to hear.

"You say you live alone here," he murmured "But are you always alone?" "Always, ever since father died." "How long is that ago?" "Five years." "You are not you have not been married?" She laughed. "No indeed! I'm an old maid!" "Old?" And he raised his eyes to her face. "You are not old!" "Well, I'm not young, as young people go," she declared "I'm thirty-four.

Hercules, having given him his right hand, declared that he accepted the prophetic intimation, and would fulfil the predictions of the fates, by building and dedicating an altar.

Now she's broken down, and she seems to worry for fear they will not take her back again at the hotel." "I must go to see her," declared Vane. "But won't you and Drayton come with us and have dinner?" Drayton explained that this was out of the question; Kitty's employer, who had driven in that afternoon, was waiting with his team.

Here General Feng Kuo-chang interrupted with the remark that the people of South China would not oppose such a change ultimately, though they thought it was too early to talk about it just now. Thereupon the President's features became stern and he declared in a heightened voice: "You and others seem still to believe that I harbour secret ambitions.

The authority of Vidyadhara Malla as paramount sovereign is now declared to extend from the mouths of the Ganges to the sea, and from the Narbada to the Tamraperni in the Deccan.