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To be immediately practical, while proceeding with a steady evolution in the solving of these and like problems, we must wisely use instrumentalities, like Federal investment, which are immediately available to us. Here, as elsewhere, time is the deciding factor in our choice of remedies.

On full consideration of the law by which this duty was enjoined on me and of the report of the committee on the basis of which the law was founded, I have thought that I was authorized to adopt the principles laid down in that report in deciding on the sum which should be allowed to him for his services.

Then, removing the beads from my own neck, I stepped slowly forward again and lightly dropped them round the neck of the chief, who, I thought, seemed to find some difficulty in deciding whether he was the more frightened or delighted.

The decision to attempt this method of securing the succession while still in possession of power, rather than to leave it to the uncertain chances that would follow his death, was for Stephen natural and wise. It is interesting to notice how indispensable the consent of the Church was considered, as the really deciding voice in the matter, and it was this that Stephen was not able to secure.

"What other reason can he have save that he doesn't love me, or thinks I am unfit to be a clergyman's wife?" "He has another reason, one that will devolve upon you the necessity of deciding some very important questions. Are you old and mature enough?" "O uncle!" exclaimed Lottie, impatiently tapping the floor with her foot. "You ought to be made Grand Inquisitor General.

I wandered all over the iron district and finally, deciding that the North held no openings, I began working my way toward the iron country in the South. The Sharon mill did not shut down completely. The owner operated it at a loss rather than throw all his old hands out on the world. Twenty years later I met him on a train in the West and we talked of old times when I worked in his mill.

Certainly not by the methods of political decision to which recent developments of democracy have accustomed us. You cannot fight a campaign by consulting the constituencies or even the House of Commons before deciding whether a general shall move to his right or his left, shall advance or retire, shall seek or shall avoid a battle.

On the other side was Braxton Bragg, brother-in-law of Jefferson Davis, who could never forget Bragg's kinship, and the service that he had done fifteen years before at Buena Vista, when he had broken with his guns the last of Santa Anna's squares, deciding the victory. By the side of him was Hardee, the famous tactician, taught in the best schools of both America and Europe.

"Without deciding the latter point, I should think it almost impossible for me to put a saddle on the roan just now." "Why? I do not understand you." "Because he is doubtless miles away by this time." "Jehosaphat did not take the horse!" "It is precisely what he did do." "He knew I wanted the roan to ride to Salem town this afternoon."

Is he going to follow Enid's high-handed way of deciding things without the slightest reference to my wishes?" "I expect he is," said Quin cheerfully. "You see, you can't stiffen a fellow's backbone, as you call it, for one thing and not another. When he found out he could stop drinking, he decided he could do other things as well. He's started a chicken farm." Madam groaned: "Of course.