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"Answer my question, or it will be the worse for you," and now the man leaped to the ground and advanced with clenched fists. Possibly he thought the youth would retreat; if so, he was mistaken. "Don't you dare to touch me, sir. I am not your slave." "You'll answer my question." "I will not." "Why not?" "Because you haven't treated me decently; that's why."

That explained her chafe at petticoats, her revolt at what was only decently conventional. Some day she would grow up, but as yet she was only in the process. Well, there was only one thing for him to do. He must meet her on her own basis of boyhood, and not make the mistake of treating her as a woman.

Violent and unmanageable Punsters, who interrupt others when engaged in conversation, with Puns or attempts at the same, shall be deprived of their Joseph Millers, and, if necessary, placed in solitary confinement. Sect. No Inmate shall make any Pun, or attempt at the same, until the Blessing has been asked and the company are decently seated. Among these are the following:

"I wish, Cassy," said Legree, "you'd behave yourself decently." "You talk about behaving decently! And what have you been doing? you, who haven't even sense enough to keep from spoiling one of your best hands, right in the most pressing season, just for your devilish temper!"

I say Leach, perhaps he might lend us a hand when it comes to the pinch with poor Monday. I have a great desire that the worthy fellow should take his departure decently." "Well, sir, I think you had better propose it. For my part, I'm quite willing to go into all three of the tops alone, rather than disappoint a dying man."

I kept thinking I should tread on you, and I got so nervous toward the end I thought I should just break down and sob on your bosom and beg to be taken back to home and mother." "I'm extremely sorry, sir, I am, indeed," apologized Pearson, doing his best not to give way to hysterical giggling. How was a man to keep a decently straight face, and if one didn't, where would it end?

No, no, says the close-fisted farmer, there is a cheaper and readier way to accomplish it; though I have no objection to seeing the children decently clothed. These are the corrupt, the impure, the abominable motives, which too often lead men to attach themselves to churches; and these are the considerations which are too often presented to non-professors by ministers, as well as private members.

If I can get these boys into the County Hospital before to-morrow morning, I shall have done a splendid night's work. Pick me out a decently mannered horse." After the Professor had administered the first dose of alcohol, his patients lay quiet for at least three minutes. Then Jimmie said dolefully "Badly as she's treated me, I'd like to kiss my Edna good-bye."

Chandler, and of many other great ones of that day now decently forgotten. Meanwhile, he was growing old. Any sharp winter might have cut him off, as he trudged along through the deep lanes of his rustic parish. Early in 1770 Daines Barrington, tired of seeing his friend the mere valet to so many other pompous intellects, had proposed to him to "draw up an account of the animals of Selborne."

"No, nor would I. If I really were attached to a man, I think I would tell him so, and agree to wait, either with hope or without it." "Just so, Fanny." "But there was nothing of that kind; and, indeed, he's the sort of man that no girl would think of being in love with isn't he? You see he will hardly take the trouble to dress himself decently." "I have only seen him at a wedding, you know."