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"I says to myself, de boss ain't got no time to be gittin' after dem himself. He's too busy dese days wit' jollyin' along de swells. So, it's up to me, I says, 'cos de boss'll be tickled to deat', all right, all right, if we can git away wit' dem. So, I " Jimmy gave tongue with an energy that amazed his faithful follower.

She shall inherit seven millions. Old Gobseck is deat, and your mis'ess is his sole heir, for her moter vas Gobseck's own niece; and besides, he shall hafe left a vill. I could never hafe tought that a millionaire like dat man should hafe left Esther in misery!" "Ah, ha!

Wit' these two hands I have choke' ze polar bear to deat'. I am strongest man w'at ees in all nort' countree. I pack four hundre' pound ovair portage. I crack ze caribou bones wit' my teeth, lak a dog. I run sixt' or hundre' miles wit'out stop for rest. I pull down trees w'at oder man cut wit' axe. I am not 'fraid of not'ing. You lissen? You hear w'at I say?" "I hear you."

If you had send dose vlowers while you knew I vas alife, I would have t'ought you done it to sell me a bill but you send 'em ven you t'ought I vas deat. Ged op your stuff, Mark, you bet your life I haf a bill for you. I will make it dobble vat I t'ought I vould. You are de only man dat has proved he vas my frient." "Did I ever tell you how I got on the south side of Ed Marks?" said Sam Wood.

It was a dream, yes, that I was taken out!" exclaimed the poor Polish lad. "It a dream must of been! I shall sleep again!" But as he was closing his eyes, for he really, as he said later, thought that he was back in the shell hole, he saw Jimmy, who was half buried near him, moving slightly. "Oh, Jimmy Blazes! And dey kill you, too!" sighed Iggy. "How sorry I am we both deat are alretty!"

"Dunder! ish it pizen?" asked Hans, in English. "Keewaygooshturkumkankangewock will kill me deat if I pizen her." "It will not kill her; it will only put her in a sleep from which she will awake after a few hours." "Quanonshet and Madokawandock will have to take it too, for they don't sleep any more than she does." "There is enough for all.

The latter met the almost bewildered gaze of the major with a smile of grim triumph, as he pointed to the three bodies of the beloved ones, and said "See all got scalp! Deat', nothin' scalp, ebbery t'ing." We shall not attempt to describe the outbreaking of anguish from the husband and brother.

"Must he be kill?" inquired Henri, in a tone of commiseration. "Not at all," answered Joe; "we'll tie him to a tree and leave him here." "Then he vill be starve to deat'. Oh, dat is more horrobell!" "He must take his chance o' that. I've no doubt his friends'll find him in a day or two, an' he's game to last for a week or more.

So it's up to me, I says, 'cos Mr. Chames'll be tickled to deat', all right, all right, if we can git away wit' dem. So I " Jimmy gave tongue with an energy which amazed his faithful follower. "Spike! You lunatic! Didn't I tell you there was nothing doing when you wanted to take those things the other day?" "Sure, Mr. Chames. But dose was little dinky t'ings. Dese poils is boids, for fair."

"Toby," she said, "lieber Toby, I am so all-lofing by you you are sitch a good maan I am so so I am yoost all-lofing by you!" And she cried heartily upon his shoulder. "Toby, uf you ain'd here for me to-morrow by eckseckly dwelf o'glock, uf you are von minutes late, I'm goin' yoost fall down deat! Don' you led nothings happen mit you, Toby."