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Gamely said with a side glance at Pepsy. He was not going to have her witness his discomfiture at the hands of this glib little stranger. Moreover, a slur at his personal splendor was a very grave matter and not to be overlooked. "I don't like fresh kids," said Mr. Deadwood Gamely, advancing with an air of veiled menace. "Sometimes they get so fresh they have to be salted a little.

Deadwood Dick's wound was quickly and skillfully dressed; it was not dangerous, but was so exceedingly painful that the pangs soon brought him back to consciousness. The moment he opened his eyes he saw Fearless Frank and Anita perceived their position toward each other, and that it would require only a single word to bridge the chasm between them.

Money as a power had not been listed in his mind, till a chance remark from Belle gave a wholly different trend to his thoughts. "Jim, if I had about a thousand dollars, I think I'd be tempted to risk it. I'd go to Deadwood and start a produce commission business there." That was all she said, and it was spoken lightly, but her words sank deep in Hartigan's mind.

To be sure, there are some men in Deadwood who do not drink, but they are so few and scattering as to seem almost entirely a nonentity.

Jim opened the Bible three times, with his eyes closed, and laid his finger at hazard on a text, and these were the three that decided his fate: Kings, XIX:20 And he said unto him Go back again. 2 Thess. II:13 God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation. Daniel IV:35 According to his will in the army of heaven. "There, Belle, could anything be plainer? We are ordered back to Deadwood.

This, then, was his sister; and evidently she as yet knew nothing of his sad fate. "Do you know aught concerning Edward Harris?" Redburn asked, seeing her agitation. Alice considered a moment. "I do," she answered, at last. "This Fearless Frank, whom I came here with, had a duel with a man, just above Deadwood, whose name was Edward Harris!" "My God; and his fate ?"

"Evil!" broke in the other, "and after three months' wild-goose-chase you are just as destitute of the desired root as you were at first." "True, but we have at least discovered one of the shrubs at the bottom of which grows the root." "You refer to Deadwood Dick?" "I do. He is here in the valley, and he must never leave it alive.

Deadwood is just as lively and hilarious a place during the interval between sunset and sunrise as during the day. Saloons, dance-houses, and gambling dens keep open all night, and stores do not close until a late hour. At one, two and three o'clock in the morning the streets present as lively an appearance as at any period earlier in the evening.

Soppose I kalkilated that it warn't the sort o' thing to induce folks to settle here. Soppose I reckoned that by gettin' the real title in my hands I'd have the deadwood on both o' them, and settle the thing my own way, eh?" "That certainly was a very laudable intention," returned Mr.

With such primitive reasoning did Singing Stream put the horses to the light wagon, and, taking the little Judith with her, drove to Deadwood, a matter of two hundred miles, to buy the bright calicoes that were to make her like a white woman. It never occurred to the half-breed woman to make known her plans to Warren Rodney.