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Do you recollect how you tried to teach me to fence? I don't know how to this day, Lindau. How good you were, and how patient! Do you remember how we used to sit up in the little parlor back of your printing-office, and read Die Rauber and Die Theilung der Erde and Die Glocke? And Mrs. Lindau? Is she with " "Deadt deadt long ago. Right after I got home from the war tventy years ago.

Do you recollect how you tried to teach me to fence? I don't know how to this day, Lindau. How good you were, and how patient! Do you remember how we used to sit up in the little parlor back of your printing-office, and read Die Rauber and Die Theilung der Erde and Die Glocke? And Mrs. Lindau? Is she with " "Deadt deadt long ago. Right after I got home from the war tventy years ago.

Do you recollect how you tried to teach me to fence? I don't know how to this day, Lindau. How good you were, and how patient! Do you remember how we used to sit up in the little parlor back of your printing-office, and read Die Rauber and Die Theilung der Erde and Die Glocke? And Mrs. Lindau? Is she with " "Deadt deadt long ago. Right after I got home from the war tventy years ago.

"I vos a deadt man!" squawked the Dutch lad, as he went over in a heap. "I'm shot, by gum!" squealed the Yankee, as his knees collapsed and he measured his long length upon the ground. "Smoke!" cried Barney Mulloy, grasping his nose with both hands. "It smells loike ye'd both been corpuses fer a long toime!" "By Jove!" gasped Frank. "That odor is strong enough to lift a safe!"