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'Pray introduce our countryman, Mr. Licentiate David Cranston, to the acquaintance of Mr. Johnson. 'The syllogism seems to have been this: 'They who feed on oatmeal are barbarians; But the Scots feed on oatmeal: Ergo The licentiate denied the minor, I am, Sir, Your most obedient servant, 'DAV. DALRYMPLE. 'Newhailes, 6th Feb. 1775.

The cold buttery was a cave of Aladdin, and it took a long time to excavate all its riches. Thanksgiving Day itself was a heavy dav, the hilarity of it being so subdued by going to meeting, and the universal wearing of the Sunday clothes, that the boy could n't see it. But if he felt little exhilaration, he ate a great deal. The next day was the real holiday.

Some of these were carpeted and furnished with considerable elaboration. In these the occupants were fully secure from the shells of the navy, which were dropped into the city night and dav without intermission. I returned to my old headquarters outside in the afternoon, and did not move into the town until the sixth. On the afternoon of the fourth I sent Captain Wm.

Dramatic author, my friend Dav here would call it, I s'pose. But I made it pay." "I must confess I don't recognize the name of Bagley as being attached to any play I ever heard of," said Larcher. "And yet I've paid a good deal of attention to the theatre."

Maybe at this very moment he still honestly thinks himself the author of that play; but I've always stood by him, and always will. Many's the piece of work I've put in his hands; and I will say he's never failed me on his side, either. Old Reliable Dav, that's what I call him; Old Reliable Dav, and I'd trust him with every dollar I've got in the world."

The cold buttery was a cave of Aladdin, and it took a long time to excavate all its riches. Thanksgiving Day itself was a heavy dav, the hilarity of it being so subdued by going to meeting, and the universal wearing of the Sunday clothes, that the boy could n't see it. But if he felt little exhilaration, he ate a great deal. The next day was the real holiday.

"I've always managed to get along," he admitted. "And a good thing for you I have, Dav. Where'ud you be to-day if you hadn't had me for your good angel whenever you struck hard luck?" "I haven't the remotest idea," said Davenport, as if vastly bored. "Neither have I," quoth Bagley, and filled his mouth with mutton and potato.

Raissa turned her eyes toward me slowly, as if it hurt her: she winked them two or three times, opened them wider: then she turned her head to one side, flushed suddenly, parted her lips, drew a full breath, frowned as if from pain and with great effort, bringing out the words, "Da Dav is al alive," and rose hastily from the steps and rushed away. "Where are you going?" I inquired.

He was a man who saw whole vistas of probability in a moment, and who was correspondingly quick in making decisions. "We're at a deadlock," said he. "You're a clever boy, Dav, or Turl, I might as well call you. I know the game's against me, and Turl you shall be from now on, for all I've ever got to say.

He's got to have it. We've all talked to 'im. No good. I I don't like to say it, Dav Jacky, but he's slapped 'is wife more 'n once when she's tried to plead with " David sprang to his feet, his face quivering with rage and horror. "I'll kill him!" he cried shrilly. "If the rest of you are afraid to stand up for her, I will show you how a Virginia gentleman acts in such matters. I'll "