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What's more, she did not seem to be worrying over them; she did not even seem particular about stirring them, nor did she burn her fingers, nor get red in the face and hot, nor suffer any of those agonies that I had supposed were a necessary part of culinary science. "You're a wonder," I exclaimed. "Darned if I've ever seen such a swell cook!" "Thank you, sir," she tossed her head and mimicked.

"If you follow me, I not come back," she announced. "No offence," said Jack hastily. "But it's darned funny. I leave it to you. Your coming and going like this. How did you get out last night?" "I not tell you," she said again. "'Tain't no wonder Husky's a bit leary of you. We all think " "What you think?" she asked mockingly. "Well, we think it's funny," Jack repeated lamely.

On hearing this remark Jim said, "You are the most lucky outfit I ever saw. Any other tribe of Indians this side of the Rocky Mountains would not have left one of you to have told the tale, and it is just such darned fools as that man that stir up the Indians, to do so much deviltry." Until this time there had been but a few of the emigrants near us.

So he raised the hair on his back and sneaked up from behind and when he was about forty feet away made hell bent for the buck's heels. The buck didn't move and the dog nearly broke his neck on that pair o' cast iron legs. He went limping back to his comrades. "'What's the trouble? they asked. "'It's nary buck, said the dog. "'What is it then? "'Darned if I know.

We was married right after we came outa the North, you know, and of course Well, you know how a woman sops up adventure stories; and seeing you was the star performer " "And that's a lie," Ford put in modestly, albeit a trifle bluntly. "No, it ain't. She got the truth. And she's so darned grateful," he added lugubriously, "that I don't know how to square your record with that face!

"She looked so darned funny standin' there that I grabbed her right up and kissed her. "'If anybody tries to take that dolly away from you, you let me know skip! says I, and down the aisle she runs hollerin': 'Oh, papa, papa! Thee my dolly! Seems she didn't have no mother, poor little thing.

"The trouble with you is," Martin said, departing, "you've been told that you're pretty and sweet all your life and you're SPOILED! You are pretty, yes " he added, more mildly. "But, by George, you sulk so much, and you crab so much, that I'm darned if I see it any more! All I see is trouble!" With this he left her.

He patted her reassuringly on the head, laid his good cheek against hers for a minute and turned abruptly away into his own room. He closed the door and stood absent-mindedly feeling his swollen hand. "I've got to go," he repeated under his breath. "I might get foolish if I stayed. Darned if I'll make a fool of myself over any girl!"

It was inhabited by snails, and if accompanied by his grandchildren, he would point to one and tell them the story of the little boy who said: 'Have plummers got leggers, Mother? 'No, sonny. 'Then darned if I haven't been and swallowed a snileybob. And when they skipped and clutched his hand, thinking of the snileybob going down the little boy's 'red lane, his eyes would twinkle.

Townsend came hurrying into the room; he was pale, and looked at once angry and alarmed. "Did you fall?" he asked inconsequently, as if his wife, who was small, could have produced such a manifestation by a fall. "Oh, David, what is it?" whispered Mrs. Townsend. "Darned if I know!" said David. "Don't swear. It's too awful. Oh, see the looking-glass, David!" "I see it.