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But there were others who sat with compressed lips and brooding eyes as the men filed out of the dock. One of them, a little, dark-bearded, resolute fellow, put the thoughts of himself and comrades into words as the ex-prisoners passed him. "You damned murderers!" he said. "We'll fix you yet!" The Darkest Hour

It belonged to a man in a sort of loose white garment and drawers, with a thin dark-bearded face; and Arthur, recollecting that the Spanish word nino passed current for child in lingua Franca, uttered it with an accent of despairing anxiety. He was answered with a volley of words that he only understood to be in a consoling tone, and the speaker pointed inland.

Larsen recalled just such a party, tall, slim, dark, dark-bearded, with blue glasses and dark hat and clothes, but he was bound for Lakeville, the station beyond, and he remained in the car when he, Larsen, got off.

In the shadow I could just distinguish on the pillow a dark-bearded face whose appearance was certainly not prepossessing. "You are not well?" I said, inquiringly, as our eyes met in the dim half-light. "Your daughter is distressed about you." "Yes, I'm a bit queer," he growled. "But she needn't have bothered you."

The dark-bearded man lingering on the threshold was very little like the fair-faced youth who had left them four years ago. He made a step forward into the room, and said, "This is Hamish, I know; but can this be our little Shenac?" And then they knew him. It would be vain to try to describe the meeting. The very happiest meeting after years of separation must be sorrowful too.

They were evidently aristocratic Indians, who in the half-native, half-English dress were seated upon excellent horses, a cross-breed between the Arabian and Gujarat. At their head rode a splendidly dressed, dark-bearded man upon a white horse of special beauty. He halted to exchange a few words of civil salutation with the Russian colonel.

As he stood on the edge of the first company, whose rabbi was a lean, dark-bearded, stern little man, the Boy was spoken to by a stranger at his side, who asked him what he sought in the Temple. "Wisdom," answered the Boy. "I am looking for some one to give a light to my path." "That is what I am seeking, too," said the stranger, smiling. "I am a Greek, and I desire wisdom.

There was a rapid descent of a hundred yards or more to this terrace-like passage; and the guides paused for a moment of consultation, cooly oblivious, alike to the terrified questioning of Mrs. Rightbody, or the half-insolent independence of the daughter. The elder guide was russet-bearded, stout, and humorous: the younger was dark-bearded, slight, and serious.

From the little cupboard, a strange face looked forth; even the ticket vender of old had been swallowed up by the irony of fate, and, instead of the well-remembered blond mustache of the erstwhile seller of seats, a dark-bearded man, with sallow complexion, inquired: "How many?" "One," said Saint-Prosper, depositing a Mexican piece on the counter before the cubby-hole.

"Not in this King's hall," said the hunchbacked porter. He would have barred the door to Odin, but the voice of the King called him away. Odin then strode into the hall and saw the King at table with his friends, all dark-bearded, and cruel-looking men. And when Odin looked on them he knew that the boy whom he had trained in nobility had become a King over robbers.