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I dare say I paid less attention than usual to my surroundings." "Tell me," she asked, "it was my little friend Emilie, was it not, who persuaded you to come and see me?" "It was a little girl with whose name, even, I was unacquainted," Julien replied. "I must admit that I scarcely took her request seriously.

That is all we dare to quote from this comedy; but it quite suffices to characterise the meanness of the warfare which Jonson's clique carried on against Shakspere. However, the lofty ideas contained in 'Hamlet' could not be lowered by such an attack; they became the common property of the best and noblest.

"Can't you see that if you cave in now, after stan'in' out nine hours" and he looked at a silver watch with a brass chain, and stroked his goatee "nine hours and twenty-seven minutes that you've made jest rumpus enough so as't he won't dare to foreclose on you, for fear they'll say you went back on a trade.

But I dare to love you; if you cast that love from you, love will lose its tenderness, bravery its daring. One of the high mountains of hope whereon I sun my fainting soul is the knowledge that you love no one else.

"Let me provide the money so that you " "But I cannot," Mary protested. "I dare not. You would never see the money again, and like all good and generous people, you are as poor as I am myself." "That remark may have applied to my affairs yesterday, but it certainly does not to-day," Mark said eagerly. "I told you that I have been to see my father who has been very ill lately.

He could not sleep. There was one word which ceaselessly formed itself in luminous letters before his mind's eye a word he dare not articulate.

"Yes, and he'll be there for some time," said Mrs. Monkey. "I told you to be careful. Now you just sit down, all of you, and don't you dare stir out of this tree until I tell you to. I'll let you know when the tiger is gone," and she looked down through the leaves toward the ground. "He is still there," said Mrs. Monkey, for she caught sight of the stripes of the tiger's skin.

And on that point he wanted to be sure rather than sorry. The opinion of another would be a help to him in coming to the right conclusion, but to whom could he turn? He dare not consult Wallace, who was already prejudiced against her; Brennan was out of the question. There was only one other Durham and he was out of reach, and would be so for some time to come.

The foremen did not dare to speak to them; if they made a friendly remark they were met with insults. The workers were taking advantage of the fact that they were indispensable; their behavior was sheer tyranny, and they were continually harping on the fact that they would just as soon go as stay. These words made them the masters of the situation.

He passed along it until he came to the door of his father's chamber, feeling the whole time that his life hung on a mere thread, upon the chance that Ragnar and his warriors might remain out of the way, and that no one might be near to raise the alarm. With nearly two hundred inmates this was but a poor chance, but Alfred could dare all for his brother.