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Yo' try to stop all our pleasures ebenings, an' dar's gwine be a strike -shuah!" "You may strike right now, if you wish to," Tom retorted, facing the last speaker. "Mr. Renshaw will be prepared to pay you off within hour. Any other man in this camp who isn't content to get along without liquor and gambling may as well strike at the same time. Mr. Renshaw, it's half-past eight.

Not got much to tell, only dar's bin rumblin' an' grumblin's an' heavin's lately in de mountains as didn't use to be, an' cracks like somet'in' bustin' down b'low, an' massa he shook 'is head two or t'ree times an' look solemn. He don't often do dat shook 'is head, I mean for he mostly always looks solemn."

We was kep' under guard, an' dere was a Yankee soger a-keepin' de light burnin' arter we knew Cap'n Lane was aroun' an' ready. Missy Roberta look sharp at me, but I 'peared innercent as a sheep. Missy S'wanee say: 'No matter, Major Denham, you did all dat a brave man could do, an' dar's my colors. You hab won dem. An' den he cheer up 'mazin'ly.

"I ain' got much use fur dis yer gittin' en ungittin' er salvation," put in Uncle Ish from the table where he was eating a late dinner of Aunt Verbeny's providing. "Dar's too much monkeyin' mixed up wid it fur me. Hit's too much de work er yo' j'ints ter make me b'lieve hit's gwine ter salivate yo' soul.

Make all tings stashionary. Den dar's one ting more. Tell de goberment to do fur poor darky 'nodder ting, make de ole massa say to me, You's been good slave in ole times, berry good slave; now I gib you one, two, tree, five acres of land for yoursef. Den ole nigger be happy, and massa be happy too; den bof of um bees happy. Hab you a leetle bacca fur dis ole man?"

"Come here my pussonal self walked and runn'd most ob de way." "But, we sent you to the settlement. Why did you not go?" "Bress your soul, Massa Canfield, I'll bet dar's ten fousand million Injines in de wood, atween us and de settlement. I tried to butt my way trough dem, but dar was a few too many, and I had to gub it up." "How came you to wander so far out of your way as to get here?"

"Fo' hund'ed tons, massa; dat's what Cap'n Stopfoot done say, kase I never done measure her. He done say she is very flat on her bottom, and don't draw much water for her size," replied the negro. "Dar's de end ob de bowsprit, massa!" he exclaimed at this moment. "Way enough, cockswain!" said Christy sharply. "Stern all!"

"Den Brer Possum git mighty mad. "'Who's enny cowerd? sezee. "'You is, sez Brer Coon, 'dat's who. I ain't soshatin' wid dem w'at lays down on de groun' en plays dead w'en dar's a free fight gwine on, sezee. "Den Brer Possum grin en laugh fit to kill hisse'f. "'Lor', Brer Coon, you don't speck I done dat kaze I wuz 'feared, duz you? sezee. 'W'y I want no mo 'feared dan you is dis minnit.

Dar's dat piece ob corn dar, below de house, is jest a-gittin' good fer roastin-yeahs, Now, we'll jes pick offen de outside rows, an' I'll be dod-dinged ef we can't git 'long wid dat till de crap comes off; an' I'll jes tell Maise Hooper dat wuz de name o' de man what owned de plantation dat I'll take dem rows inter my sheer. So it went on fer a week er two, an' I t'ought I wuz jes gittin' on like a quarter hoss.

"Ah, Dinah, what a sweet thought! and who shall say it may not be so!" "Dar's Massa Edward!" exclaimed Dinah, as a quick, manly step was heard, followed by a light rap upon the door. She hastened to open it "We's ready, Marse Ed'ard." He did not seem to hear or heed her; his eyes were fastened upon his beautiful sister, more beautiful at this moment, he thought, than ever before.