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But he did not faint, nor did he cease to smile at Danusia, who was wiping his face which was covered with a cold perspiration, and he did not stop repeating: "Danuska, you are mine!" to which every time she nodded her fair head in assent.

It would not do for Jurand to challenge him to fight, and even should Jurand oppose, Zbyszko could answer him thus: "Forbear, I ask you; your right to Danuska is human, but mine is divine; she is therefore no more yours, but mine." He once heard from a certain clergyman who was versed in the Scriptures that the woman must leave her father and mother and go with her husband.

Zbyszko, pale and covered with his own and the animal's blood, tried to rise; but he staggered, fell on his knees and leaning on his hands, could only pronounce one word: "Danuska." Then the blood gushed from his mouth. Danusia grasped him by his shoulders, but being unable to hold him, began to cry for help.

It struck him more than once, that if Danuska were dead, it would be advisable to have Jagienka close to Zbyszko at Spychow, since Zbyszko, who loved Danuska above all other things would greatly mourn after his beloved. He was also sure that Jagienka's presence at Zbyszko's side would have the desired effect.

"For Jurand and Danuska?" "Yes; but he does not search for Jurand, because he was told that he was dead." "Tell us from the beginning." "Immediately, but let me first catch breath and regain presence of mind, for I come from another world." "How so?"

The princess, however, concluded that Danuska had confessed to her father her marriage to Zbyszko, and he being offended, was resolved not to proceed to Ciechanow. The princess however, did not desire to reveal her thoughts to Zbyszko; there was not even time to do so, for the servants brought in the viands and placed them on the table.

Moreover, he is my godfather and benefactor. If he were well I would have sought his protection all the same because the people fear him." "I shall not dispute that," said Macko, who as a matter of fact, would be glad that Jagienka should not go with him, for he well knew the Knights of the Cross, and he was thoroughly convinced that Danuska would never come out alive from their hands.

Macko took me in order to protect me from bad people. Now I shall remain with you until God restores Danusia to you." Jurand was not at all surprised; he seemed to know it already; he only took hold of her and pressed her to his breast, and she continued to kiss his hand and spoke in a broken and sobbing voice: "I will remain with you. Danuska will return.... Then I shall return to Zgorzelice.

"Because there is a voice within me which tells me that Danuska is at Ragnety, and they are guarded less than they are here." "There was no time to continue the conversation then, for I too was fatigued and the people after the defeat gathered in the woods. But now, tell me, how is it? Do you mean to search for the girl forever?" "I say that she is not a girl, but my wife," replied Zbyszko.

This caused his heart to tremble within him with despair and a cold sweat covered his brow. "Danuska!" he said. "Do you see and understand me?" But she replied in a low voice: "Drink! Water!" "Gracious Lord!" And he rushed out, and at the door encountered Macko, who was coming to ascertain her condition.