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He admits that he is being hunted, but takes no one into his confidence. For that, he cannot be blamed." "Have you any reason to suspect who he is?" asked Lorry. "My instructions were to refrain from questioning him," complained Dangloss, with a pathetic look at the original plotters. "Still, I have made investigations along other lines." "And who is he?" cried Beverly, eagerly.

"I don't like the looks of things," said Baron Dangloss, time and again. His men were never so alert as to-day and never so deceived. "There can't be trouble of any sort," mused Colonel Quinnox. "These fellows are ugly, 'tis true, but they are not prepared for a demonstration. They are unarmed. What could they do against the troops, even though they are considerably depleted?"

He is too good a man to be lost in the hills. Good-bye, Baron Dangloss. Thank you ever and ever so much. Oh, yes; will you write an order delivering him over to me? The hospital people may be er disobliging, you know." "It shall be in your highness's hands this evening."

"Shall we notify old Dangloss or alarm the steward? There's no time to be lost if we want to trap these fellows. The chief devil is bound to escape, for we can't get him and the others, too, and they won't peach on him. Come, we must be lively! What are you standing there for? Damn it, the trap must be set!" "Wait! Why not do the whole job ourselves?" "How-what do you mean?"

"Is this His Excellency, Baron Dangloss?" asked Anguish, stepping into a small room and stopping suddenly in the presence of the short, fierce man they had seen the day before. The American spoke in French. "It is, gentlemen. Of what service can I be to Messieurs Lorry and Anguish?" responded the grim little Chief, politely rising from beside his desk.

"My word, sir, you must have been or he wouldn't be there to see you." "Who is Dangloss?" "Minister of Police haven't I told you? He's a keen one, too, take my word for it. He's got Sherlock beat a mile." "So have I, Hobbs. I'm not slow at Sherlocking, let me tell you that. How do you know he's waiting to see me?" "I heard him ask for you.

He sighed without knowing it. "By Jove, I'd like to do something to show her I'm not the blooming duffer she thinks I am." He could not find Baron Dangloss that night, nor early the next day. Hobbs, after being stigmatised as the only British coward in the world, changed his mind and made ready to accompany King to the hovel in Ganlook Gap.

Lorry put the question and everyone present drew a deep breath of interest. Mizrox readily consented and Baldos, intercepted on his rounds, was led unsuspecting into an outer chamber. The duke, accompanied by Lorry and Baron Dangloss, entered the room. They were gone from the assemblage but a few minutes, returning with smiles of uncertainty on their faces.

"Couldn't you seal it with your ring?" suggested Beverly. "Oh, I have it! Send for Baron Dangloss and have him witness your signature. He can't get away from that, you see, and after we reach Edelweiss, you can fix up a regular edict, seal and all," cried the resourceful American girl.

Baron Dangloss had been taken prisoner with a whole platoon of fighting constables. This was the last appalling bit of news to reach the horrified, disorganised forces in the Castle grounds. Citizens had fled to their homes, unmolested. The streets were empty, save for the armed minions of the Iron Count.