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Thick fogs rise from the canals and the marsh lands which surround the city. The Alpine snows are very near. This climate, damper and frostier even than at Rome, did no good to his chest. He suffered continually from hoarseness; he was obliged to interrupt his lectures a most disastrous necessity for a man whose business it is to talk.

Here he differed from Frank, who had something of a temper and was likely to do something foolish on the spur of the moment if he became angry. Jack had served as a damper for his friend's anger and enthusiasm more than once. That they could fight, both boys had shown more than once.

Frost gave, and while some were unyoking the horses, some were boiling the tea-billies, while old Frost was extracting a quart of rum for us from a hogshead. But we did not indulge in more than a sip or two, as bread and meat was what we cared for most. In ten minutes the tea was ready; some splendid fat corned beef, and mustard, and well-cooked damper were put before us, and oh, didn't we eat!

This was evidently good common sense, but it put a damper on the spirits of the Board. There was nothing new to be said on the main question, and it was now growing toward supper-time; so the meeting adjourned. On their way home, Harry said to Kate, "Has Aunt Matilda anything to eat at all?" "Oh yes; she has enough for her supper to-night, and for breakfast, too, if nobody comes to see her.

This was a sad damper to our heroes, who returned to the castle with their prog untouched and no great appetite for dinner. Being only a family party, when Mrs.

"The nearest, I suppose, you would call a settlement, is not more than about five miles away to the southward," answered the man; "but mine and my mate's hut is less than a quarter of a mile off, and you will be welcome there if you like to strike camp and come along with me. Our tea-kettle is boiling, and the damper will be cooked by the time we get there.

He had set down the lamp on a package just within the baggage-room door, so that his own room, by which he entered, was pretty dark, save for the fire showing through the damper of the stove. Trenholme stopped in it just one moment to listen; then, unwilling to encourage hesitation in himself, went through the next door.

If the said enemy was a good natured fellow, William usually managed to get him to make this concession, otherwise the old hard-head remained cold and aggrieved through out the revival, maybe casting a damper over the whole meeting: a figure in the Amen corner at which the young unregenerated sinners would point the finger of scorn and accusation when they were implored to repent and believe and behave themselves.

He looked at his brothers, and saw that they, too, were out of sorts. The passing of the carryall put a damper on matters, and the girls felt it. They talked with the Rovers and Songbird a few minutes longer and then turned in one direction while the Brill students turned in another. "Fine lot of girls," was Songbird's comment. "Very nice, indeed.

You'd better go and see what there is for us to eat. We've a long way and a rough way to go before we get to the Hollow. Aileen was off at this, and then she set to work and laid a clean tablecloth in the sitting-room and set us down our meal breakfast, or whatever it was. It wasn't so bad corned beef, first-rate potatoes, fresh damper, milk, butter, eggs.