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"Rody," said he, "do you go an' brake it to the, Reillaghans: you're the best to do it; for, when we were settin' out, you saw that he-carried the gun, an' not me." "Thrue for you," said Rody; "I saw that, Frank, and can swear to it; but that's all I did see. I know nothing of what happened in the mountains." "Damnho sheery orth!

"My blessin' an you, young man, an' don't be lanin' an me, i' you plase!" "Damnho sherry orth a rogarah ruah!* what do you mane? Is it my back you're brakin'?" * Eternal perdition on you, you red rogue. "Hell pershue you, you ould sinner, can't you keep the spike of your crutch out o' my stomach! If you love me tell me so; but, by the livin' farmer, I'll take no such hints as that!"

"Divil a one, Honor; damnho to the one; I won't differ wid you in that." "You won't differ wid me! the divil thank you for that. You won't indeed! but could you, I say, if you wor willin'?" "I tell you I could not." "Now there's sinse an' kindness in that. Very well, you say you're gatherin' up all the money you can for him."

God be wid you! I must go." "Stop!" said the Boxer; "don't but do get a charm for the money." "Good-by," said Nell; "you a heart wid your money! No; damnho sherry on the charm ever I'll get you till you show more spunk. You! My curse on the money, man, when your disgrace is consarned!"