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'We are fixed in this dismal hole for the night, I suppose. How far are we from Fellside? 'Seven miles, answered the landlord. 'I beg your pardon, my lord; I didn't know it was your lordship, he added, hurriedly. 'We're in sore trouble, and it makes a man daft-like; but if there's anything we can do 'Is there no hope of getting on, Steadman? asked the Earl, cutting short these civilities.

The song of the waters and the familiar disarray of boulders gave us a strong sense of home, which the exotic foliage, the daft-like growth of the pandanus, the buttressed trunk of the banyan, the black pigs galloping in the bush, and the architecture of the native houses dissipated ere it could be enjoyed.

So there remained but one step to be accounted for; and that was how Prestongrange should have permitted her at all in an affair so secret, or let her daft-like billet go in the same cover with his own. But even here I had a glimmering. For, first of all, there was something rather alarming about the young lady, and papa might be more under her domination than I knew.

"It seems a daft-like thing," said one horseman to the other as they traversed the moor, "that the likes o' me should be ridin' to battle like a lord, insteed o' trudgin' wi' the men on futt; but, man, it's no' easy to walk far efter wearin' a ticht-fittin' buit though it was only for a wee while I had it on.

She was never interesting in life; in death she was not impressive; and as her husband stood before her, with his hands crossed behind his powerful back, that which he looked upon was the very image of the insignificant. "Her and me were never cut out for one another," he remarked at last. "It was a daft-like marriage."

We listen to tales of servants' misdeeds, we talk of clothes and the ongoings of our neighbours, and we never let on that we would rather talk of poetry. No. No. A daft-like thing for either an old woman or a young one to speak of.

Ricketts got back her daughter from that terrible evening's experience, she emphatically declared that "Mag were worse nor useless; that she seemed daft-like, and a'most silly, and that never, never to her dying day, would she allow Mag to set foot on them awful lonely commons again." Mrs.

I am afraid" she gave a pretty break of laughter "I am afraid they would be daft-like!" "Well, and am I not daft?" I asked her. "I do begin to think you are," said she. "There it is, then!" said I. "I have been long enough a figure of fun. Can you not feel with me that perhaps the bitterest thing in this captivity has been the clothes?

Apparently this threat made some impression on the tympanum of his ear, however deaf to all my milder entreaties; for he relaxed his pace upon hearing it, and, suffering me to close up to him, observed, "There wasna muckle sense in riding at sic a daft-like gate."

"I don't know in the least what I am giving an opinion about but I am not a `reasonable body, and as a rule the result of `daft-like expense' is very nice! I'm afraid that isn't what you wanted me to say, Mrs McNab, but I must be honest. Perhaps I may feel differently when I know what I am talking about." "Your picnic!" cried Mrs McNab.