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Buy a couple o' cows or keep it till next rent day; we won't hurry you you're a dacent man, and we respect you. Well, I did put the money to other uses, when what should come down on me when the next half year's rent was due, but an Execution.

"You see, a lanna, I can't say that, without first hearin' their names." "My name is B ." "An' a dacent bearable name it is, darlin'. Is yer father of them da-cent people, the B s of Newtownlimavady, ahagur!" "Not that I know of."

In this painful position I contrived to get a couple of swallows; but I should think I took in quite as much at my nose and ears. Clayley and Chane followed our example, the Irishman swearing loudly that it was a "burnin' shame to make a dacent Christyin dhrink like a horse in winkers." Our guards now commenced driving our mules out of the water.

He drew the blanket sling toward him, and stood toward the poor clay. "I'll send her up to ye for dacent burial," he shouted. This suggestion was answered by a yell of protest from the men on the cliff. "If ye be afeard o' her, ye white-livered swile, what d'ye want me to do wid her?" "T'row her overboard! Heave her into the sea!" "Aye, t'row her overboard. She bes the devil hisself!

"It's well that Frank's one of ourselves," replied Owen, coolly, "otherwise, Jemmy, you said words that would lay you up by the heels. As for you, Frank, you must look over this. The boy's the son of dacent poor parents, an' it's a new thing for him to see the cows druv from the place.

After this, few or none joined it; for it is esteemed by no means "dacent" to do so after mass, because, in that case, the matter is ascribed to an evasion of the offerings; but those whose delay has not really been occasioned by this motive, make it a point to pay them at the grave-yard, or after the interment, and sometimes even on the following day so jealous are the peasantry of having any degrading suspicion attached to their generosity.

"Sorrow to your sowl then, mother Mulready; d'ye think I'm so bad already then, that they haven't left me the price of a glass?" and he put three halfpence into the girl's hand. "Oh, Joe," said Brady, "don't be taking your sperrits that way; come over here, like a dacent fellow, and we'll be talking over this."

"When this foight's over," he announced solemnly, "there's going to be another that'll make the one at the threstle look like a Sunday School picnic; and Oireland's going to put England over her knee and spank the place yeer shirt don't cover dacent. . . . Stop it, ye loon! Make a pair o' pants o' the rest o' the ile and look respectable. Ye don't seem to remember Mollie's sex.

"Middling fair ewer, good quarter, five calves is it five, Cæsar?" said Black Tom, holding one of the long horns. "Three, sir, and calving again for February." "No milk fever? No? Kicks a bit at milking? Never? Fits? Ever had fits, Cæsar?" opening wide one of the cow's eyes. "Have you known me these years for a dacent man, Mr. Quilliam " began Cæsar in an injured tone. "Well, what's the figure?"

Just let her bawl it out, and thin we'll get something dacent for dinner." Dannie turned a spadeful of earth and broke it open, and Jimmy squatted by the can, and began picking out the angle worms. "I see where we dinna fish much this summer," said Dannie, as he waited. "And where we fish close home when we do, and where all the work is done before we go."