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I struggled and scraped and saved, as best I could; I endeavoured in vain to augment my small income by little speculations harmless little dabblings in mining shares; I but I won't bore you with these disagreeables" pulling himself up with an air of forced cheerfulness. "But I want to know," said Deb. "You spoke of worries Mary's worries worries now; are you still "

Because he's satisfied to have her you can take my word for it! He likes her to be absorbed in clubs and bridge and idiotic little dabblings in near-culture and pseudo-art, just for the reason that a busy mother gives her baby a sticky feather to play with. It keeps the baby busy. It keeps his wife's attention off him.

Edmee said she was unwell, and rarely quitted her room. M. de la Marche called nearly every day, his chateau being only a short distance off. My dislike for him grew stronger and stronger in spite of all the politeness he showed me. I understood nothing whatever of his dabblings in philosophy, and I opposed all his opinions with the grossest prejudices and expressions at my command.

Leonard Bilsiter's beliefs were for "the few," that is to say, anyone who would listen to him. His dabblings in the unseen might not have carried him beyond the customary platitudes of the drawing-room visionary if accident had not reinforced his stock-in-trade of mystical lore.

I have just been hearing the melancholy details." "Old Smith and I," said Dunster, "were at a private school together. I'd no idea I should find him here." "It was a wonderfully stirring sight when we met," said Psmith; "not unlike the meeting of Ulysses and the hound Argos, of whom you have doubtless read in the course of your dabblings in the classics.

His attainments in all the amusements of a gentleman probably had more to do with these advancements, however, than any professional skill. He was a capital linguist; at fencing, leaping, running, and other manly exercises, he found few rivals; and his dabblings in architecture and botany were at least as notable as his mastership of chess and his skill as a musician.

"No," said Uncle Richard, smiling, but wincing at the same time; "she has had experience of me before in my dabblings in other things. What do you say was the cause of the trouble, Tom?" "Well, I should say, uncle, that the silver was too strong for the glass, and made it split all to pieces." "Not a bad theory," said Uncle Richard. "What do you say, Maxted?"

I have just been hearing the melancholy details." "Old Smith and I," said Dunster, "were at prep school together. I'd no idea I should find him here." "It was a wonderfully stirring sight when we met," said Psmith; "not unlike the meeting of Ulysses and the hound Argos, of whom you have doubtless read in the course of your dabblings in the classics.

"Ah! what have you heard? and what do you know about him, Freydis?" "I suspicion many things, gray Manuel, by virtue of my dabblings in that gray art which makes neither for good nor evil." "Yes," said Manuel, practically, "but what do you know?" She took his hand again. "I know that in Sargyll, where my will is the only law, you are welcome, false friend and very faithless lover."

Such ducks were then, and perhaps are still, the most remarkable residents of Flamborough. Not only because the air is fine, and the puddles and the dabblings of extraordinary merit, and the wind fluffs up their pretty feathers while alive, as the eloquent poulterer by-and-by will do; but because they have really distinguished birth, and adventurous, chivalrous, and bright blue Norman blood.