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The hallucinations of Briggs, which were fortunate enough, it is said, to get into a court of justice, singularly resemble those of M. Bezuel, in July and August, 1697, though these were not matter of a sworn deposition. The evidence is in Histoire d'une Apparition Arrivee a Valogne.

Rélation d'une Conférence Théologique, presidée par le Calife Mamoun, Paris, 1887. Further, undoubtedly under Persian books must be reckoned the book of the 'Counsels' of ancient kings and the book of the 'Questions' to certain Wisemen, and their Answers. If these are not of direct Persian origin they are similar in contents to Persian books.

"On sait qu'an XVI siècle, le mystère de l'Incarnation étoit souvent représenté par une allegorie ainsi conçue: Une licorne se réfugiant au sein d'une vierge pure, quatre lévriers la pressant d'une course rapide, un veneur ailé sonnant de la trompette. La science de la zoologie mystique du temps aide

Apropos of the Duke de Morny, he said of himself: "I am a very complicated person. Je suis le fils d'une reine, frere d'un Empereur et gendre d'un Empereur, et tous sont illegitimes." It does sound queer! There you have a complicated case. He is very good-looking without being handsome, and belongs to one of the most distinguished families in Germany.

In spite of the fact that "Translated from the French" appeared on the title-page, Mrs. Haywood has hitherto been accredited with the full authorship of these letters. They were really a loose translation of Lettres Nouvelles.... Avec Treize Lettres Amoureuses d'une Dame

I frequently smile at the vast pains and precautions of which my 'sacred person' is the object; and I am continually encountering 'by chance' some of those fair ladies who would fain usurp your place, sometimes bedecked with jewels rare, and sometimes, as Racine says, " dans le simple appareil D'une beaute, qu'on vient d'arracher au sommeil.

All this when Madame saw, and of which when she received report, her sole observation, uttered with matchless serenity, was: "Desiree a besoin d'une surveillance toute particuliere." Accordingly she kept this promising olive-branch a good deal at her side.

It will be very remarkable if similar appearances are always found upon the junction of the alpine with the level countries. Such an appearance, I am inclined to think, may be found in the Val d'Aoste, near Yvrée. M. de Saussure describes such a stone as having been employed in building the triumphal arch erected in honour of Augustus. "Cet arc qui étoit anciennement revêtu de marbre, est construit de grands quartiers d'une espèce assez singulière de poudingue ou de grès

Si au sein de cette diversite apparait un fonds commun de croyances, n'est-on pas en droit d'y voir non pas un systeme formule et compose par les representants d'une autorite d'ecole, mais la foi elle-meme dons son instinct le plus sur et sa manifestation la plus spontanee?

With a raised voice, and a graceful, bantering smile, the king concluded: "C'est a toi Cygne des Saxons, D'arracher ce secret a la nature avare; D'adoucir dans tes chants d'une langue barbare, Les durs et detestables sons'"