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Thus do I bring you, in this lovely pledge, High fortune's blooming goddess; and may these Old eyes be spared to see this gracious pair Sit in imperial state on Moscow's throne. MARINA. My liege, I humbly thank your grace, and shall Esteem me still your slave where'er I be. KING. Rise up, Czaritza!

Perhaps he added insult to injury by sending it to the Siberian exiles. The Czaritza, or Empress, is a grand-daughter of Queen Victoria. She is rather handsome, but her face, like that of all those born to the house of Hanover is expressionless as a clothing store dummy, hard as a blue-steel hatchet.

It is hard to believe that this white-haired, bent old woman was once the imperial beauty who from the salons of the Tuileries dictated the fashions of the world! Few have paid so dearly for their brief hour of splendor! Cannes with its excellent harbor is the centre of interest during the racing season when the Tsarewitsch comes on his yacht Czaritza.

Your laws are very severe, and I had not counted on mademoiselle's steadfast resistance to mon Dieu! a prince who had been considered irresistible whose principality is larger than one of your states who would have made her, in truth, a czaritza.

An old gray-haired Moujik, or peasant, all covered with blood, had appeared to her, and had exclaimed: "I have come all the way from Siberia, czaritza, to see your day of honor, and now your Cossacks have killed me." The vision had been so real that the empress hastened to her husband to inquire if any misfortune had happened.

He will combine France and Austria, implacable enemies since the Great Cardinal's time. Ah, I have it now, monsieur, Frederick of Prussia has published verses against the Pompadour which she can never pardon eh, against the Czaritza, too! Why, what a thing it is to be a poet! now Russia will join the league. And Sweden, of course, because she wants Pomerania, which King Frederick claims.

Martha Skovronsky bore him a daughter and won his heart for keeps. He had her baptized in the Russian Church as Catherine. He divorced his czaritza that he might marry the foundling. He set on his bride's head the imperial crown studded with twenty-five hundred gems.

The czaritza, mother of Dmitri, who had first incited the mob, was forced to take the veil. Her brothers, who had declared the act one of murder, were sent to remote prisons. Uglitch was treated with frightful severity. More than two hundred of its inhabitants were put to death. Others were maimed and thrown into dungeons.

All shared the same fate, none being left to laugh at the rest. The patriarch, it is true, was exempted, through awe for his high office in the Church, while reverence for advanced years reprieved Prince Tcherkasy, and Tikhon Streshnef was excused out of honor for his services as guardian of the czaritza.