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In America the various kinds of chub, sucker, dace, shiner, &c. are little esteemed and are regarded as spoils for the youthful angler only, or as baits for the better fish in which the continent is so rich. In England, however, the Cyprinidae have an honoured place in the affections of all who angle "at the bottom," while in Europe some of them have a commercial value as food-fishes.

India, difficulty of distinguishing the native races of; Cyprinidae of; colour of the beard in races of men of. Indian, North American, honoured for scalping a man of another tribe. Individuality, in animals. Indolence of man, when free from a struggle for existence. Indopicus carlotta, colours of the sexes of. Infanticide, prevalence of; supposed cause of; prevalence and causes of.

She shall fling it into the river, by all that is holy!" cried my father; and, suiting the action to the word, away into the pond went the spectacles he had been rubbing indignantly for the last three minutes. "Papoe!" faltered my father, aghast, while the Cyprinidae, mistaking the dip of the spectacles for an invitation to dinner, came scudding up to the bank. "It is all your fault," said Mr.

Of the living tenants of the aquarium, those most interesting, as well as of the highest organization, are the fishes. And among fishes, the family of the Cyprinidae are the best adapted to our purpose; for we must select those which are both hardy and tamable. Cyprinus gibelio, the Prussian Carp, is one of the best.

The males of the Cyprinidae likewise seem to be in excess; but several members of this Family, viz., the carp, tench, bream and minnow, appear regularly to follow the practice, rare in the animal kingdom, of polyandry; for the female whilst spawning is always attended by two males, one on each side, and in the case of the bream by three or four males.

The last especially is a fine fighter, occasionally reaching a weight of 20 lb. It is usually caught by spinning, but will take live-baits, worms and other things of that nature. The Danube may be described as its headquarters. It is a fish whose sporting importance will be more realized as anglers on the continent become more numerous. Cyprinidae.

Cynocephalus hamadryas, sexual difference of colour in. Cynocephalus leucophaeus, colours of the sexes of. Cynocephalus mormon, colours of the male. Cynocephalus porcarius, mane of the male. Cynocephalus sphinx. Cynopithecus niger, ear of. Cypridina, proportions of the sexes in. Cyprinidae, proportion of the sexes in the. Cyprinidae, Indian. Cyprinodontidae, sexual differences in the.

If," said my father, soliloquizing, "I had been as syllogistic as those scaly logicians, I should never have swallowed that hook which Hum! there least said soonest mended. But, Mr. Bolt, to return to the Cyprinidae." "What's the hard name you call them 'ere carp, yer honor?" asked Bolt. "Cyprinidae, a family of the section Malacoptergii Abdominales," replied Mr.

In proof of this statement, we might instance any number of cases where recently abandoned brick-yards and other clayey excavations, were situated at considerable distances from any natural water-courses, or fish-stocked ponds, from which spawn could have been derived, and yet these excavations have no sooner been filled with permanently standing rain water, than certain small fishes of the Cyprinidae and other families, have made their appearance therein.

Macalister, Prof., on variations of the palmaris accessorius muscle; on muscular abnormalities in man; on the greater variability of the muscles in men than in women. Macaws, Mr. Buxton's observations on. McCann, J., on mental individuality. McClelland, J., on the Indian Cyprinidae. Macculloch, Col., on an Indian village without any female children. Macculloch, Dr., on tertian ague in a dog.