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The cut-leaved beech sometimes reverts partially only, and the branches often display the different forms of cut-leaved, fern-like, oak-leaved and other variously shaped leaves on the same twigs.

The hybrids repeated the features of the species and showed no signs of their internal hybrid constitution. But the following year one-fourth of their progeny returned to the cut-leaved form. If the same thing has taken place in the case of Loudon's maples, but without their hybrid origin being known, the result would have been precisely what he observed.

There are other good native birches, and one foreigner the true white birch whose cut-leaved form, a familiar lawn tree of drooping habit, is worth watching and liking. The name some of the nurserymen have given it, of "nine-bark," is significantly accurate, for at least nine layers may be peeled from the glossy whiteness of the bark of a mature tree.

They also require to be kept in the sunshine or a warm place, and guarded from the rain, or from running among the nettles. They are very fond of the common garden peppercress, or cut-leaved cress, and should be supplied with as much of it as they will eat, or allowed to pick it off the bed.

Similarly divided and cleft leaves seem to have occurred more often in the wild state, and cut-leaved hazels are recorded from Rouen in France, birches and alders from Sweden and Lapland, where both are said to have been met with in several forests. The purple barberry was found about 1830 by Bertin, near Versailles.

Nevertheless, this was not ascertained by Sprenger, and some doubt as to a possible introduction from elsewhere might arise. If not, then the mutation must have been sudden, occurring without visible preparation and without the appearance of intermediates. From the very first, the cut-leaved celandine has been constant from seed.

Mulleins "imperial sceptre" is the pretty Russian name began to do sentinel duty along the roadside; sumach appeared in the thickets of the forests, where the graceful cut-leaved birch of the north was rare. The Lombardy poplar, the favorite of the Little Russian poets, reared its dark columns in solitary state. At last, Kieff, the Holy City, loomed before us in the distance.

The oldest known, and at the same time one of the most accurately described mutations is the origin of the cut-leaved variety of the greater celandine or Chelidonium majus. This variety has been described either as such, or as a distinct species, called Chelidonium laciniatum Miller.

This is almost a counterpart of our native species, but instead of black the berries are brilliant scarlet. It is a highly ornamental species, but it is rather exacting, requiring for its perfect growth a cool and moist situation. Of this there is a cut-leaved, form, named S. racemosa serratifolia.

Cut-leaved walnuts have been known since 1812; they come true from seed, but are extremely liable to vicinism, a nuisance which is ascribed by some authors to the fact that often on the same tree the male catkins flower and fall off several weeks before the ripening of the pistils of the other form of flowers. Weeping varieties afford similar instances.