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Middleton; "so you pick up your dudsand mind not to take a cussed bandboxand after dinner we’ll start for home." "It wants an hour of dinner time," said Julia, "and as we are not hungry, we can start in a few moments, if you like." "Fury-ation," said Mr. Middleton, "I wonder if we can. Well, start on then afoot, if you’re in such a hurry.

"That's just what I was thinking myself, major, all the time I was wrestling with him. It's an awful pity to have to kill a man like that." "Oh, pshaw, nothing but a cussed redskin. That makes one less of the vermin. All of us on both sides round that clearing watched you and him, and did not pay much attention to each other till it was over.

Taking the dog and his gun he had cautiously followed the run into which the tracks led until satisfied that the man he was following had taken horse and was beyond pursuit. On his return he learned of Miss Lou's illness and so ventured to threaten Aun' Jinkey. "Yer do know 'bout that cussed grandson o' yourn. Kyant fool Grip, en he' smelled out all the nigger's tracks.

First ther durned gray-backs they come snoopin' up yere, an' run off all my horgs; then ther blame blue-bellies come 'long an' cut down every lick o' my corn fodder, so thet I'll be cussed if I ain't 'bout ready ter fight either side. Anyhow I ain't did no fightin' yit worth talkin' 'bout, fer Mariar is pow'ful feared I'd git hurt." Maria regarded him scornfully. "Hiding out, I suppose?"

We sat there and cussed and said, 'Now, why didn't we do this, that, and t'other thing instead of blowing our hard earned dough? till bimeby we just dripped melancholy, you might say. Howsomever, we weren't booked for a dull time just yet. That afternoon there was a great popping of whips like an Injun skirmish and into town comes a bull train half-a-mile long.

When I got fed up on a bunch of simpering women and their, 'ain't he cute? stuff, all I had to do was to barge in on Polo and get cussed out and learn that the world wasn't all gush and guff. "And particularly I need this 'argufyer' right out here now. I'm getting tired of having my own way. The people are too kind, too considerate, regard me as a child to be petted and pampered.

Hav'n't you never heer'd o' the dukkeripen o' the trúshul shinin' in the sunset sky when the light o' the sinkin' sun shoots up behind a bar o' clouds an' makes a kind o fiery cross? But to go and steal a trushul out of a dead man's tomb why, it's no wonder as the Wynnes is cussed, feyther and child.

Cussed if I knows what for, and I didn't have time to ask him particulars, but had to drill him, and drill him I did, as I'm no man to stand for knife-play, and as I was trotting myself back who should I come on but the writin' chap, here, stretched in the grass, so for a time I thought he had been stretched for good when up he pops and reaches for a gun, and I give him the butt fair behind of the ear.

"I've got a patch of string beans," sighed the Native Son, "that I've been sitting up nights with. I don't know what ails the cussed things. Some kind of little green bug chews on them soon as my back is turned. They ought to be ripe by now and they aren't through blossoming. Don't go into beans, amigo." Luck looked at him and laughed.

But Montague had discovered that this statement in the book was always prepared and written by a satellite of Melmotte's from Abchurch Lane who was never present at the meeting. The adverse director had spoken to the secretary, it will be remembered that they were both members of the Beargarden, and Miles had given a somewhat evasive reply. 'A cussed deal of trouble and all that, you know!