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The ship had closed to within a quarter of a mile of the beach, and the waves curled and topped around us, bearing us down upon the shore, which presented one continued surface of foam, extending to within half a cable's length of our position, at which distance the enormous waves culminated and fell with the report of thunder.

After we had had dinner and bought the things we lay about in the forest or walked about in couples. I had curled myself up for a nap when some one came up behind me, and when I sat up this someone put his hands over my eyes and said: "The Mountain Spirit." And I recognised his hands instantly, and said: "Hero Siegfried!"

Unc' Billy Possum spent the very coldest days of winter curled up in his warm, snug home in the big hollow tree in the Green Forest. Unc' Billy didn't like the cold weather. Sometimes he would stick his head out of his doorway and then, as he heard rough Brother North Wind whooping through the Green Forest, he would turn right around and go back to his bed for another nap.

At length he found what he sought, but as it was too late and too dark for him to make sure of success, he curled himself up under a doorway, and slept till morning. Although it was winter, the sun rose in a clear sky, and its rays felt almost warm when the poor man got up and shook himself.

Hazel eyes, melting, dark fringed; brows strongly marked, enough to show plenty of character, without being heavy; hair abundant, curled in a fringe upon the forehead, and drawn back from the head in sheeny, dark brown waves. Such was the vision which Laurence Stanninghame beheld, as he turned at the sound of the voice. Well, what then? He had seen it before.

"What a charming place!" said the young wife; "just the right distance from town, and a stream all to ourselves. And look, there are fruit trees already planted. Do let us decide to stay!" Then she took off the child's shoes and stockings to let it play in the stream. The water curled all about the bare feet and gurgled delightedly. "Ah, do stay," begged the happy water.

There was a wide-awake look in their big, honest, gray eyes, and their light hair curled over their heads in little tight rings. Elsie was only five, a restless, dimpled little bunch of mischief, always getting into trouble, because she would try to do everything that her brothers did. The gardener fished her out of the fountain twice in the week she was there.

Then her lips curled with a faint tinge of derision, and her voice expressed the very bitterness of doubt, as she continued: "Had it been merely the love which makes two mortals one, transfers the heart of one to the other, it might perchance have borne my timorous soul into the hero's breast! But no. Violent tempests had raged before the battle.

He sat beside her on the old-fashioned couch with a curled head, and his thirteen stone descending heavily on the springs sent up her light weight with a perceptible jerk. 'Clumsy boy! Mrs. Sales exclaimed playfully. Rose laughed. 'It's like the old see-saw. I was always in the air and you on the ground. Is it there still near the pigsties?

The lips curled and the creamy satin of the cheeks dimpled and the blue earrings shook against her neck. "What lovely earrings," I said, smiling down upon her, and put up my hand gently to touch one. She did not draw back nor seem to resent my action. "You think them pretty? I have others upstairs. Will you come up and see my jewellery?"