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Soon again her feet were lagging and once more her eyes turned curiously upon the pail she carried and again she said, "Oh, I wonder, I wonder, I wonder." "Why do you wonder, little maid?" said a sweet soft voice. On looking up, Alice saw close beside her, not her friend the gaunt gray wolf, but a little child like herself.

When, instead, we insisted on interfering, we made ourselves responsible for improving the situation; and, no matter what Congress "disclaimed," or what intention it "asserted," we cannot leave Cuba till that is done without national dishonor and blood-guiltiness. The situation is curiously like that of England in Egypt.

I hoped that you would be interested in them." She looked down curiously at the little wooden huts, half-buried in the snow; the smoking chimneys; the twinkling, curtainless windows. "What do you expect me to do?" she asked in a queer voice. He looked at her in a sort of wonderment. Perhaps it seemed to him that a woman should have no need to ask such a question.

Three years had passed since Jimmy had parted from Spike Mullins, Red Spike to the New York police, but time had not touched him. To Jimmy he looked precisely the same as in the old New York days. A policeman sauntered past, and glanced curiously at them. He made as if to stop, then walked on. A few yards away he halted. Jimmy could see him watching covertly.

Kingdon made a heroic effort to down the half, and would have succeeded had it not been for the persevering forward, who reached him with his long arms and pulled him to earth. And Blair, the ball safe beneath him, lay at the Yates thirty-five yards, the half-back holding his head to earth. Joel arose, and as he trotted to his position he looked curiously at the first finger of his left hand.

A man must go amongst them fully to realize how hopeless and deplorable a state of things is that phase of society which halts betwixt barbarism and civilization, and is curiously deficient in the virtues of both.

Zachariah and his wife believed in asking a blessing on their food; but, curiously enough, in 1814, even amongst the strictest sort, it had come to be the custom not to ask it at breakfast or tea, but only at dinner; although breakfast and tea in those days certainly needed a blessing as much as dinner, for they were substantial meals. An exception was made in favour of public tea-meetings.

'He simply wouldn't believe me when I told him the hours I worked. He said I ought to be on my trial for attempted suicide! And she laughed with extravagant conceit. 'You have quite made friends with the Barmbys, said Nancy, eyeing her curiously. 'They are very nice people. Of course the girls quite understand what a difference there is between themselves and me.

Molly sat in the tonneau, Jack driving, full-petrol ahead, and I beside him. We talked motor talk, and he forgot the churches, except when they seemed actually to come out of their way to get in ours. I listened, and at the same time gathered impressions of roads long, strange, curiously individual roads. Someone has written of the "long, long Indian day."

Yet she was as vivid and alive as ever; she seemed to diffuse, as it were, a kind of spiritual brilliance. "She makes one think of a flame," Audrey told her husband when they were alone once more. "There is something so vital about her, in spite of that curiously frail look she has." Miles nodded. "She's burning herself out," he said briefly. Audrey looked startled. "What do you mean, Miles?"