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"She's gwine to be a purty little thing," she said; "she'll be sorter dark-complected, but she's gwine to hev purty hair 'n' eyes. Ye'll be right proud of her, Tom, when she's grown, 'n' I guess she'll be a heap o' company to you. Lord!" with a motherly sigh, "it seems sorter curi's her bein' left to a man; but you'll do well by her, Tom, you'll do well by her. I hain't no doubt o' that.

"Town breedin', town breedin'," muttered he; "it's curi's what it'll make of a lad. This chap'll grow up with his head full o' le'rnin' into a lawyer or parson or somethin' like, and my lads'll be skippers like their dad, with no le'rnin' to speak on. I'll warrant this lad could get off more book-stuff in five minutes 'an mine ever heerd on."

Dick Henderson is say dose Injun is Ojibway Injun Ojibway Injun two t'ousand mile wes' on Peace Reever! Dat's curi's!" "I was tell you nodder story " went on Achille, after a moment. "Never mind," interrupted the Trader. "I believe you." "Maybee," said Achille cheerfully, "you stan' some show not moche eef he sen' you out pret' queeck. Does small perdrix is yonge, an' dose duck.

"I cum 's fas' 's I could," she said, "but I reckon I'd orter been here afore. De Lord knows dis is a curi's 'casion." When she crossed the threshold of the cabin, her master pointed to a small faintly moving bundle lying at the foot of the bed over which he was bending. "Take it into the other room and tell the man to come here," he said. "There's no time to lose."

And, in troth, I'm curi's myself," says he, getting mighty soft when he found the delightful smell ov the putteen, "in inwistigating the composition ov distilled liquors; it's a branch ov natural philosophy," says he, taking up the bottle and putting it to his blessed nose.

"A sight younger-lookin' than her man." "What's the child?" "Gal." "Gal? That's a pity. Gals ain't much chance of bein' raised right whar they're left." "Hain't they any folks, neither on 'em?" "Nobody don't know. Nobody hain't heerd nothin' about 'em. They wus kinder curi's about keepin' to themselves." "If either on 'em had any folks even if they wus only sort o' kin they might take the chile."

"Thar wus a big pile o' ashes on the ha'th," she said to her friends, "sorter like as if he'd been burnin' a heap a little things o' one sort or 'nother. It kinder give me cold chills, it looked so lonesome when I shut the door arter the truck was gone. I left the ashes a-lyin' thar. I kinder had a curi's feelin' about touchin' on 'em. Nothing wouldn't hire me to live thar.

Don't think I feel spry enough for dat ar, no way!" and Sam gave a hoarse chuckle. "You laugh!" said the trader, with a growl. "Lord bless you, Mas'r, I couldn't help it now," said Sam, giving way to the long pent-up delight of his soul. "She looked so curi's, a leapin' and springin' ice a crackin' and only to hear her, plump! ker chunk! ker splash! Spring!

Possibly he held some such object in view when he rode up to the tumbled down gateway and asked for the draught of water no woman of the region could refuse without some reasonable excuse. "'Tain't airs they're puttin' on, Cindy," he said to the partner of his joys and sorrows the evening after his ride over the mountain. "Oh, no, 'tain't airs, it's somethin' more curi's than that!"

Mother Bascom nodded. "I have," she answered solemnly, a minute later, as if the nod were not enough. "T'bias, son," she added, lowering her voice, "I ain't one to give in my rights, but I was thinkin' it all over about y'r Aunt Ruth Parlet" "Now if that ain't curi's!" exclaimed Tobias, bringing his chair down hastily upon all four legs.