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Not to Buddy maybe, who's used to spendin' the dinner hour with his nose just inside the dinin' room door; but to Auntie, anyway. Which is why I'm so surprised, along about 9 o'clock when Auntie has made an early start for a good night's rest, to hear these loud hostile woofs comin' from him and then these blood curdlin' screams. "For the love of Mike!" I gasps. "Where did you put Auntie?"

No man's ever betrayed me but he's suffered hell for it; and no woman shall." He raged, and the two with beating hearts waited for him. Then suddenly laughing aloud, the man turned his back, and passed into the night without more words. "Mad, so mad as any zany!" gasped Mr. Blee. "Thank God the whim's took un to go. My innards was curdlin' afore him!"

They all on 'em brandished aloft a pistol, seemin' to be on the lookout for someone to shoot. Their horses wuz on the dead gallop and you knowed by the expression on their faces jest what blood curdlin' yells wuz issuin' from their throats.

Hisen betokened the most intense madness, and I spoze that in my agitation I might have jabbed him some with my umbrell, and I hastened away, tromplin' as I did so in my haste on various heads and arms, and follered by loud busts of what I most know wuz blood curdlin' profanity, though not Jonesville swearin'. Well, I wuz tired out and discouraged. No Josiah, no pardner!