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Now again, and now more than ever, they have the winning-post in sight. At small distance is the goal and purpose of all these four years' battlings and marchings, and ten years' subterranean plottings and intriguings. Which was, and is, matter of surprise to an observant public. The cause of failure may be considered to have been, in good part, Daun and his cunctations.

By this last consummate little operation he has astonished Daun as much as anybody ever did; shorn his elaborate tissue of cunctations into ruin and collapse at one stroke; and in effect, as turns out, wrecked his campaign for this Year. Daun finds there is now no hope of Saxony, unless he himself at once proceed thither.

George does nothing rashly. Far from it: indeed, except it be paying money, he becomes again a miracle of cunctations; and staggers about for years to come, like the Shall we say, like the White Hanover Horse amid half a dozen sieves of beans? Alas, no, like the Hanover Horse with the shadows of half a dozen Damocles'-swords dangling into the eyes of it; enough to drive any Horse to its wit's end!

Daun had taken the Liegnitz accident without remark; usually a stoical man, especially in other people's misfortunes; but could not conceal his painful astonishment on this new occasion, astonishment at unjust fortune, or at his own sluggardly cunctations, is not said. In about a fortnight, Daun's decision did become visible; Soltikof's not in a fortnight, nor ever clearly at all.

But Prince Eugene's orders are express; remonstrances, cunctations only strengthen the determination of the High Heads or Head: Forward with this beautiful scheme! Seckendorf, puckered into dangerous anxieties, but summoning all his cunning, has at length, after six weeks' hesitation, to open it, as if casually, in some favorable hour, to his Prussian Majesty.

And in fact, Henri, as we know, though Friedrich does not or only half does, has gone across Oder, to watch Soltikof, and guard Breslau from any attempts of his, which are far from HIS thoughts at this moment; a Soltikof fuming violently at the thought of such cunctations, and of being made cat's-paw again. "Know, however, that I understand you," violently fumes Soltikof, "and that I won't.

Fleury's cunctations were disgusting to the ardent mind; and here now, still more insuperable, are the British Fleets; here and a pest to him! is your Admiral Haddock, blockading Cadiz, with his Seventy-fours! "But again, on the other or Pragmatic side, there were cunctations.

"These French-Seckendorf cunctations, recriminations and drenched-hen procedures are an endless sorrow to poor Kaiser Karl; who at length can stand it no longer; but resolves, since at least Bavaria, though moneyless and in ruins, is his, he will in person go thither; confident that there will be victual and equipment discoverable for self and Army were he there.

For two days after Holstein's departure, Daun sat still, on his safe Northern shore; stirring nothing but his own cunctations and investigations, leaving the bombardment, or cannonade, to take its own course. And would not be worth mentioning, except for the poor Regiment BERNBURG'S sake; Bernburg having got into strange case in consequence of it.

And, after due cunctations, Friedrich waiting silent the while, Louis, Most Christian King, who had failed in so many things towards Friedrich, does empower Valori To offer him a subsidy of 600,000 livres a month, till we see farther. Twenty thousand pounds a month; he hopes this will suffice, being himself run terribly low.