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This fancy of theirs was stoutly resisted by the love-sick swain, but the regimental logic prevailed; for, whatever they could do, with masterly dexterity, he could not do at all, ergo, must he not be a natural? There was no man in the regiment who met with so many falls from his horse, as Silas Tomken Cumberbatch! Mr.

"I hope you will pardon my troubling you like this," he said to Morriston, speaking in a quick, decided tone, "but I have been rather anxious as to what has become of my brother, of whom I can get no news. He came down to the Cumberbatch Hunt Ball, which I understand was held in this house, and from that evening seems to have mysteriously disappeared.

"No," Gifford assented; "his was not a taking character, to men at any rate; and we rather wondered how he came to be going to the Cumberbatch Ball." "No doubt he got his ticket in the ordinary way," Morriston said. "It only shows, my dear Dick," his sister observed, "you may quite easily run risks in giving a semi-public dance in your own house." Morriston laughed.

"No reason at all," Kelson answered, except that I don't remember to have seen you out with the Cumberbatch." "I dare say not," the other rejoined easily. "It is some years since I hunted with them. I'm living down in the south now, and when I'm at home usually turn out with the Bavistock. Quite a decent little pack, faute de mieux; and Bobby Amphlett, who hunts them, is a great pal of mine."

"What's that?" asked his host. "Did you notice a man named Henshaw here last night? A big, dark fellow, probably a stranger to you, but by way of being a former follower of the Cumberbatch." "An old fellow?" Morriston asked. "Oh, no. About six-and-thirty, I should say; eh, Hugh?" "Under forty, certainly," Gifford answered. "Tall and very dark, almost to swarthiness; of course I remember the man."

"Yes Cumberbatch, it is" said the officer, sternly. "Then, Sir," replied Mr. C. "it must be mine!" The oddity of the reply disarmed the officer, and the poor scholar escaped without punishment. Mr. Coleridge was a remarkably awkward horseman, so much so, as generally to attract notice. C. "I say, young man, did you meet a tailor on the road?" "Yes," replied Mr.