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It would not be true to assert that, on this wonderful June day, a glimmering of this truth dawned upon him. Such a statement would be open to the charge of exaggeration, and his frame of mind was pessimistic. But he had got so far as to ask himself the question, Cui bono? and repeated it several times on his drive, until a verse of Scripture came, unbidden, to his lips.

If the principle of cui bono is applied, it is evident that the gainers were the party of the trumvirs, whose popularity would be increased by a belief being created that their opponents the Optimates were prepared to adopt extreme measures to get rid of them. In the letter, however, his insinuations seem directed against Cæsar: in the speech Vatinius is the scape-goat.

She sighted her blunderbusses, and, rolling, grunting, wheezing in her revolving towers like a Falstaff ill at ease, spat her gobbets of flame and death. The poor little water-spaniel fort ran down to the shore and barked at her of course. Cui bono or malo?

Tchaikovsky's 'Eugene Onegin' is occasionally given in London, but has won little success. Much of the music is interesting, but the disconnected character of the libretto and the lack of incident fully account for the scanty favour with which it is received. 'Le Flibustier, an opera by César Cui, was performed in Paris a few years ago with even less success.

Less than mastery of it so far as the formation of a decided opinion according to the lights afforded to or by his mind will not satisfy him. With the exception of one or two questions of high constitutional principle, the "cui bono?" is the view his mind naturally takes.

In all cases, the more difficult an enterprise a man enters upon and pursues to a final issue, the more fully he exercises his faculty of free will. And since the triple vow supposes nothing short of heroism in those who take it, it follows that they must use the very plenitude of their liberty to make the thing possible. The "cui bono" is the next formidable opponent the vow has to contend with.

Yet again Cui Ai arise and speak Essay on Charity, this time in English. Yet again sit down, and Chinese girls sing chorus of "Charity." Miss Powers make speechings of presentations and unto Cui Ai give Diploma of Excellency. All is finished. Cui Ai's Eager Betrothed, also Beauteous Mother and Sisters and Brothers also much beauteous Flowers make arrival upon platform at same time.

Jupiter is indeed called "omnipotens" at times, but so are Juno and Apollo, which shows that the term must be used in a relative sense. But very providence he never seems to be. He is powerless to grant Cybele's prayer that the ships may escape decay: Cui tanta deo permissa potestas? Rex Jupiter omnibus idem. Fata viam invenient.

A question which every author ought to ask of himself before he sends forth his work, and one which must occur to every thoughtful reader, is the inquiry, Cui bono? what justification has one for treating the subject at all, and why in the particular way which he has chosen?

As her popularity waned, she grew discontented with life in Dublin, 'the wretched capital of wretched Ireland, as she calls it, and in a moment of mental depression she entered the characteristic query,'Cui bono? in her diary.