United States or Costa Rica ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Well, I think you've had about enough for once," soliloquized Philip, as he critically surveyed the writhing mass on the ground before him; and he looked a very handsome lad as he said it.

But if critically examined, with no other aim than a scientific appreciation of the improvement in comparison with other processes of selection, the support of the evidence for the theory of accumulative influence proves to be very small. The amount of sugar is expressed by percentage-figures. These however, are dependent on various causes, besides the real quantity of sugar produced.

Once more; if we peruse carefully and critically the writings of Paul, the earliest and greatest Christian apostle and missionary, we find that he is not only ignorant of the gospel stories about the birth and miracles of Jesus, but he is equally and just as innocently ignorant of the teachings of Jesus.

In order to get at the brand, which was on the side, we turned the cow over, when Flood took out his knife and cut the hair away, leaving the brand easily traceable. "What is she, Jim?" inquired Fox, as he sat his horse holding the rope taut. "I'll let this man who claims her answer that question," replied Flood, as her claimant critically examined the brand to his satisfaction.

If now we come to the Negro in the United States, it is hardly an exaggeration to say that no other race in the American body politic, not even the Anglo-Saxon, has been studied more critically than this one, and treatment has varied all the way from the celebration of virtues to the bitterest hostility and malignity.

"He will be able to speak then." Mr. Fentolin nodded and leaned back in his chair. He glanced around the room a little critically. There was a thick carpet upon the floor, a sofa piled with cushions in one corner, and several other articles of furniture. The walls, however, were uncovered and were stained with damp.

Cook and Maroney drove out several times with this horse, and Maroney examined him critically. He was a good judge of horseflesh, and when he was excited would fairly carry a person away with his vivid description of the delights of "tooling" along behind a fast horse.

"Hullo, Bland, old man!" exclaimed Reginald, lighting up jubilantly at the sight of an old familiar face, "how are you? Who would have thought of seeing you?" Blandford was surprised too, and for a moment critically surveyed the boy in front of him before he replied. "Ah, Cruden, that you? I shouldn't have known you." Reginald's face fell.

Your arrest hangs, if I may so express myself, by a hair; and as you will be under the perpetual vigilance of myself and my agents, you must look to it narrowly that you walk straight. Upon the least dubiety, I will take action." He snuffed, looking critically at the tortured man. "And now let me remind you that your chaise is at the door.

'Now then, Peterson, he said, and he paused with artful preoccupation to double his cane over and under, and critically examine the end thereof, 'you are a very observant youth, Peterson; you will tell me how those boys got under the school. 'Dunno, said Peterson, assuming the expression of an aged cow. The master seized him by the collar. 'Peterson, you have the faculty of divination.