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Go by the eight a.m. train on Friday morning, and I'll take the train that starts at dinner-time. No one'll ever suspect us of going to Cricketty Hall that way. I shall tell the police at Foxleigh my business, and they'll be glad enough to send some men with us when they know that Levi Sharples will be there, the man they've been wanting to catch.

Quick as a billiard-ball he had reached her side, turning the wheels of his chair with great rapidity. "Pleased to meet you," he said, and put out a white hand. "How long you goin' to stay?" "What a question," Gilbert laughed. "As long as she and her husband wish, of course." "Well, by cricketty ginger!" Henry Smith exclaimed. "Hope you'll give 'em enough to eat!"

"Very good, Jim; Cricketty Hall, and Friday night, that's where and when the meeting's to be. It means next Friday no doubt, for Levi Sharples won't stay in this neighbourhood a moment longer than he can help. You may depend upon it, when these two meet at the old ruin, Levi'll have some of their old mates not far-off, and there'll be wild work with poor William when they've got the opportunity.

As the procession neared Cricketty Hall, a cooling breeze from the west sprang up, just enough to ruffle out the banners, as they were carried proudly aloft, without distressing their bearers.

"Why, Levi said, `It won't do for me to be seen here, so let us have a meeting in some safe place. `Very well, says William, and then they spoke so low I could only catch the words, `Cricketty Hall; but just as Levi were moving off, he said in a loud whisper, `All right, then Friday night; and I think he mentioned the hour, but he spoke so low I couldn't clearly mate out any more.

He had much to tell me and ask of me, he said; but he was afraid of being discovered by the police, spite of his disguise. Would I meet him at Cricketty Hall, he should feel safe there. "I did not know what to say. I could not get rid of my suspicions, notwithstanding his changed tone and manner. He saw it, and said: `You doubt my sincerity.

I shall just tell my missus afore I'm setting off on the Friday morning as I've got a job to do for you, and she mustn't expect me home till she sees me; and no one'll be surprised at my turning up at the station, as they all know as I used to be porter there." Cricketty Hall was one of those decayed family mansions which are to be met with in many parts of England.

We met the next night; and, mercifully for me, Jim Barnes, as I find from him, overheard the appointment to meet at Cricketty Hall; and wonderfully and graciously has the Lord kept me in my trouble, and delivered me out of it." "But how do you suppose that Sharples got hold of that money?" asked Bradly. "Oh," replied the other, "I can easily understand all about that.

So it won't do for you or me to be seen going out towards Cricketty Hall on Friday evening, for they are sure to set spies about, and we should spoil all. I'll tell you how we'll manage. I've been wanting a day at Foxleigh for some time, as I've some business of my own there. You get leave to meet me there, and I'll pay your fare.

So saying, he beckoned to a young man, who handed him a small basket. He opened it, and produced a small jar with a brush in it. A half-suppressed murmur of merriment ran through the crowd. "Ah! You know what this is, I see," continued James Barnes. "'Tain't the first time as this has made its appearance in Cricketty Hall. Now, I'm not going to say anything ill-natured about it.