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As evidence of this, when the night had worn on to a tolerable age, we heard him give a growl in crescendo, and then a short yap. Se in general is undemonstrative to a degree. Hence the short culminating bark, which might have been overlooked if emanating from another dog, in his case commanded attention.

Suddenly the birds stir in their nests over there in the woodland, and break into that wild jargoning chorus with which they herald the advent of a new day. In the apple orchards and among the plum-trees of the few gardens in Stillwater the wrens and the robins and the blue-jays catch up the crystal crescendo, and what a melodious racket they make of it with their fifes and flutes and flageolets!

His shrieks, crescendo in approach and diminuendo in recession, made the rapidity of his revolution more obvious to the ear than to the eye. He had evidently not yet been struck in a vital spot. His posture in the sack and the distance from the ground at which he hung compelled the ram to operate upon his lower extremities and the end of his back.

Almost before we could realize what had happened, he crossed the stage, stepped to his stand, and drew his bow downward. The applause died sharply on the crest of a crescendo, and left the air trembling. There was a sudden hush. A few sank back in their seats, but most of them remained standing where they were, just as we behind him were suddenly fixed in our positions.

The man must be still at the door listening, spying through some crevice, perhaps. No he was talking listening replying, in a voice too low for the words to reach her. And then an answering voice, which rose by swift crescendo, until it drove the man with hasty steps down the passage, followed by a screaming final curse.

"Listen," said Peter again; and some far off thing was faintly jarring the soft silence, on a crescendo note. Rodney listened, and murmured, "Brute." He hated them more than Peter did. He was less wide-minded and less sweet-tempered. Peter had a gentle and not intolerant æsthetic aversion, Rodney a fervid moral indignation.

He watches those to whom he plays, singling out the one who needs his fiddle most, and to-night he was watching de Savignac. We had finished our steaming dish of lobster, smothered in a spiced sauce that makes a cold dry wine only half quench one's thirst, and were proceeding with a crisp salad when Boldi, with a rushing crescendo slipped into a delicious waltz.

He even ran across to peer into our own faces to see how we liked it. With a sudden crescendo the music stopped. Involuntarily we broke into handclapping. The old boy looked a bit startled at this, but we explained to him, and he seemed very pleased.

The master had told one or two tall reminiscences, and when he cleared his throat for another we were all curious, for he was a bit of an artist in his way, and produced his effects in a crescendo fashion. His face wore the earnest, practical, severely accurate expression which heralded some of his finest efforts. "It was before I was master," said he.

After a bit it would no more wake them up, such was the force of habit than the ticking of the clock. To all this they both agreed, and the matter was dropped. For ten days they did not mention it, but in all those ten days a sort of crescendo of emotion was going on in her.