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Before I could imagine the reason of it before I could advance one step toward my wife, who still sat on the upturned coffin, smiling at herself in the mirror before I could utter a word or move an inch, a tremendous crash resounded through the vault, followed by a stinging shower of stones, dust, and pulverized mortar!

All at once it struck the water with a crash, in an instant it was tossed up again in the air, heaving on the crest of a wave, was carried in and dashed up against the ship, all the oars on that side snapping in an instant.

And the sounds that filled the air were even more fraught with terror and menace than the scene; the waving, the groans, the crash of the pines on the hill, the impetuous force of the rain upon the whirling river, and the everlasting roar of the cataract, answered anon by the yet more awful voice that burst above it from the clouds.

Another moment and Geordie and Connell, leaping from saddle, had run to his aid, even as the crash of a volley, at the word of command, told that the troopers had answered the furious challenge.

There was a crash, and then they all leaped out together and, seizing the canoe, ran her up on the beach, before the next wave arrived. "I fear she has knocked a great hole in her bottom," Reuben said. "Never mind," Ned replied. "We shall be able to make a shift to mend it.

Those other trees which were subdued by blasts of wind in winter time, had not quite tumbled down, but being caught by others, lay all bare and scathed across their leafy arms, as if unwilling to disturb the general repose by the crash of their fall.

Hi-YAH! Crash, bash, bang! Bash, CHANG! Ready to fling Our gloves in the ring He was unaware of a sensation that passed along the lines of workmen. Their great master had come among them, and they grinned to see him standing with Dr. Gurney behind the unconscious Bibbs. Sheridan nodded to those nearest him he had personal acquaintance with nearly all of them but he kept his attention upon his son.

All of a sudden the whole region fairly rocked under the crash of eleven hundred and one thunder blasts, all let off at once, and Sandy says, "There, that's for the barkeep." I jumped up and says, "Then let's be moving along, Sandy; we don't want to miss any of this thing, you know." "Keep your seat," he says; "he is only just telegraphed, that is all." "How?"

The roaring in the treetops seemed full of menace, and branches began to fall around them. Not far away a whole tree went down with a sounding crash. "We're all going to be killed!" cried Gladys hysterically, as they huddled together at the sound of the falling tree.

When it reached the surface Conway leaped from among the men and stood in the door of the engine-room. "Let it down again!" he shouted. "Ralph is below yet, the boy. I'll go down myself an' git 'im." He heard a crash behind him, and he turned in time to see the iron roof of the carriage disappear into the mouth of the shaft.