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Hurray! claret goes for nothing. My uncle was telling me that he saw Sheridan drink five bottles at Brookes's, besides a bottle of Maraschino. This is some of the finest wine in England, he says. So it is, by Jove. There's nothing like it. Nunc vino pellite curas cras ingens iterabimus aeq, fill your glass, Old Smirke, a hogshead of it won't do you any harm." And Mr.

Three beautiful damsels appear from the pool, and are repeatedly pursued by the young farmer, but in vain. They always reached the water before him and taunted him with the couplet: "Cras dy fara, Anhawdd ein dala!" One day some moist bread from the lake came floating ashore. The youth seized and devoured it; and the following day he was successful in catching the ladies.

In the fourth nothing but this motto, "Cras nescio cujus." The towne I hear is full of discontents, and all know of the King's new bastard by Mrs. Haslerigge, and as far as I can hear will never be contented with Episcopacy, they are so cruelly set for Presbytery, and the Bishops carry themselves so high, that they are never likely to gain anything upon them.

"To-morrow comes never!" ejaculated the old sailor, chuckling and blinking away. "`Hodie mihi, cras tibi. What is that, Master Bob?" "Eh, sir?" said Bob, making a wry face. "Why, it's Latin." "Thank you for nothing, you young shaver!" retorted the Captain drily. "What I want to know is, what does it mean?"

And thus equipped, everything is ready, Quinto mio; we turn our backs on haughty Milan, and nova regna petentes cras ingens iterabimus aequor, that is to say, the wide plains of Lombardy.

Fourteen of the Frenchmen, who had the good fortune to swim on board the Orion from the L'Orient after she was on fire, report that their army were all landed three weeks since, and are at present in possession of Grand Cairo; and that they have frequent severe skirmishes with the Turks. Our worthy friend Mr. Le Cras will lament with me the loss of Mr. Miells.

"I am far from questioning your professional capacity, but an arrangement for one year leaves us both free to make other plans, in case we find that the adjustment is not as perfect as we could have wished. However, that is a future contingency. Quid sit futurum cras you know the sentiment.

The refrain itself- Cras amet qui nunquam amavit, quique amavit cras amet has its internal recurrence, the folding back of the musical phrase upon itself; and as it comes over and over again it seems to set the whole poem swaying to its own music.

The metre is the trochaic tetrameter, which is always well suited to the Latin language, and which here appears treated with Greek strictness, except that in lines 55, 62, 91, a spondee is used in the fifth foot instead of a trochee. The refrain "Cras amet qui nunquam amavit, quique amavit, eras amet," may be called the "last word" of expiring epicureanism.

Cras ingens iterabimus aequor; to-morrow will be time enough for that stormy sea; to-day let me engage the attention of your readers with the Runick inscription to whose fortunate discovery I have heretofore alluded. Well may we say with the poet, Multa renascuntur quae jam cecidere.