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CRANIOSCOPY. In describing characters or constitutions, the new system is continually tested and demonstrated. All whom I have taught find, when they test it, that, in its applications by cranioscopy, the results invariably confirm the accuracy of the science.

But neither Cranioscopy, Pathology, nor Vivisection has given satisfactory demonstrations, nor does the whole scope of the alleged results of all embrace more than half of the cerebral functions. The results of Vivisection have been unsatisfactory.

When such marked differences are perceptible, it is due to the separation of the convolutions by the furrows or anfractuosities into which the pia mater descends, making a substantial separation. But this nice survey of the convolutions and their boundaries was obviously impossible by cranioscopy, which, at the best, could only recognize considerable differences of magnitude.

Cranioscopy, Pathology, and Vivisection, their failures recognized Limitations of Craniology and its stationary condition Human Impressibility explained Its prevalence in different climates Method of testing it. In what manner shall we proceed to study the brain?

For the study of these functions three principal methods have been adopted by eminent scientists: 1st. The method of Cranioscopy, practiced by Gall and his followers. 2d. The study of Pathological Anatomy. 3d. The mutilation of the brains of living animals.