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"Do you know who he is?" asked Craig with a searching glance at Wachtmann's face. "I ought to. His name is Kronski, and a blacker devil an employment bureau never furnished." "Kronski? No," corrected Kennedy. "It is Professor Kumanova, whom you perhaps have heard of as a leader of the Red Brotherhood, one of the cleverest scientific criminals who ever lived.

They have taken some very valuable papers of mine. "Secret service rummage baggage?" repeated Burke, himself now in perplexity. "That is news to me. We have rummaged no trunks or bags, least of all Nordheim's. In fact, we have never been able to find them at all." "Upstairs, Burke the servants' quarters," interrupted Craig impatiently. "We are wasting time here." Mrs. Brainard offered no protest.

Gradually I let Kennedy take the lead in the conversation so that our position might not seem to be false. It was not long before Craig managed to inject a remark about the red spot over Virginia's nose. It seemed to excite young Hampton.

Then, with the secretary and two of the other crooks he left by another door from that by which he had sent the valet forth. Leaving the undertaker's, Kennedy and I made our way, keeping off thoroughfares, to police headquarters, where, after making ourselves known, Craig made arrangements for a raid on the house across the street from the laboratory where we had seen the opera glass reflection.

"Here are, in succession, the finger-prints of the various servants employed about the house and of a guest," added Craig, with a slight change of tone. "They differ markedly from the finger-prints on the glass," he continued, as one after another appeared, "all except this last one. That is identical.

Craig has very recently shown that under certain conditions two individuals may enter the same corpuscle and conjugate and the resulting individual will be resistant to quinine and may remain latent in the spleen or bone marrow for a long time. Under favorable conditions it may again begin the process of multiplication and the patient will suffer a relapse.

Bernardo had risen earnestly. "Kennedy," he cried, "before God, if you will get back that stone and keep the secret from going further than this room, I will prove what I have said by dividing the Mixtec treasure with Mrs. Northrop and making her one of the richest widows in the country!" "That is what I wanted to be sure of," nodded Craig.

"Why, it's just like ourselves and the Auld Laird," cried Jean. "He's going to take away our home from us!" "It's not just the same, little woman," said the Shepherd, laying his big brown hand on Jean's small one on his knee. "But the loss of it hurts just the same. Rob Roy loved Craig Royston no better than we love this wee bit hoosie."

'That I do, old fellow, said Graeme, putting out his hand. 'I'll be hanged if I won't do anything you say. 'That's why I won't say, replied Craig. Then reverently he added, 'the organisation is not mine. It is my Master's. 'When are you going to begin? asked Graeme. 'We shall have our communion service in two weeks, and that will be our roll-call. 'How many will answer? I asked doubtfully.

The 3rd Zouaves in heavy marching order filled the road with their scarlet column, moving steadily southward; and Ailsa, from her perch on the saddle, called to Colonel Craig and Major Lent, stretching out her hot little hand to them as she passed.