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Sooner or later the army will move four hundred miles through a wilderness so dark that neither sun nor moon nor stars can penetrate. The old men, the women, the children, and the littlest ones still strapped to the cradle-board, must then remain behind. Is it the truth I speak, my brothers?"

I looked at her seriously; and she comprehended the unasked questions that were troubling me. "Shall I tell you more? Shall I tell you how I have learned my dread of men how it has been with me since my foster parents found me lying at their door strapped to a painted cradle-board?" "You!" "Aye; that was my shameful beginning, so they told me afterward long afterward.

The redskin boy-child who looks out from his little cradle-board on a world of forest through whose trails his baby feet are already being fitted to follow is not many hours old before careful hands wrap him about with gay-beaded bands that are strapped to the carven and colored back-board that will cause him to stand erect and upright when he is a grown warrior.

He then helped Erik spread some dry skins for the visitors on the left side of the tent. The Lapp mother immediately busied herself with lighting the fire, putting some water into the kettle to boil, and grinding some coffee. As she moved about the tent, Gerda saw that a baby, strapped to a cradle-board, hung over her back.

And after another moment a slow colour came into his wasted face. 'Lois, he said, 'before I go to join that matchless company, I think you ought to know that which will cause you to grieve less for me.... And so I tell you that I am not your father.... We found you at our door in Caughnwagha, strapped to a Seneca cradle-board. Nor had you any name.